do you know the history of the console and its games perfectly?

The PS4, an unforgettable console

Even though the PS5 has been out for a year and a half, millions of gamers are still getting their kicks on the PS4. It must be said that some do not really have a choice, since the PS5 is still so rare. Not enough to slow Sony in its desire to soon offer a brand new version of the latter, la PS5 Pro.

But before the majority of PS4 players change console generations, let’s still pay tribute to the PS4 and its 9-year history. Are you unbeatable on the history of the console and its games? Take our quiz.

Do you know the history of the PS4 by heart?

The questions in our quiz relate as much to the console itself as to the cult (or less cult) games that the machine has offered us. Our test could bring back good memories and make you want to relive mythical adventures, like these games with absolutely exciting scenarios.

The PS4 should gradually bow out, but is likely to retain its place in the top 5 best-selling consoles in the history of video games for quite a while. Test your knowledge of the history of the PS4 and its games.

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