Do you have night sweats? This is a key symptom of Omicron

Man with night sweats -.

* We know someone who hasn’t been feeling so well these past few days. They thought they had caught a cold like the flu or something not called COVID-19. But a recent Health Canal article says that night sweats, one of our friend’s symptoms, has been identified as one of the symptoms of the Omicron variant. This is a key signal that our friend needs to get tested.

Omicron is the latest variant of Covid 19 that has left the world in panic. Some of the strengths of the new strain are the new symptoms. According to Dr Amir Khan, a British doctor, night sweats are at the top of the list.

This doctor’s revelation alerts people to watch out for night sweats. Dr Khan, médecin du UK NHS[1] (UK National Health Service) explained that ‘that kind of heavy night sweats where you might have to get up and change clothes’. are among the symptoms.

Understanding the symptom is crucial and health workers need to explain it to people. This way, if a patient has had heavy night sweats, they can get tested for the Omicron variant.

Dr Khan stressed that “This is important and it is important that we stay on top of these symptoms. If we are to follow Omicron and follow it around the world, we need to be able to test people with these symptoms. “Dr Khan[2] spoke with The Sun, a British newspaper.

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Variante OmicronVariante Omicron

Night sweats are nothing new when it comes to mentions of Covid 19 and its variants. While sounding the alarm bells about the new variant, Dr Angelique Coetzee from South Africa listed it as a key symptom. She is the first person to have spoken about the new variant.

But she expressed that it had milder effects than the lethal Delta variant. She details other symptoms of the variant, such as muscle pain, throat irritation, and fatigue. But, patients who received the vaccine seem to have milder symptoms when they receive Omicron.


Another symptom that people need to watch out for is night sweats, according to the latest data. This key symptom is in addition to others: itchy throat, mild headache and body aches.

There is still debate around Omicron and if it’s as bad as Delta. So far, scientists continue to strive to provide more information about the variant. But, there are calls not to take the variant lightly as it exhibits symptoms similar to those of the common cold.

Read / learn MORE on Health Canal.

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