Do you have a little bit? The most magnificent diamonds are ready to be auctioned The size of a golf ball – fresh news

Do you have a little bit? The most magnificent diamonds are ready to be auctioned golf ball granules

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Do you have a little bit? – 9 May CNNReported that “The Rock”, the largest diamond ever auctioned, will be auctioned in Geneva. Switzerland It is expected that there will be bidders for at least $30 million or more than 1 billion baht.

Diamond the Rock measures 228.31 carats, almost the size of a golf ball. The price of diamonds is higher than usual due to economic sanctions once morest Russia. The industry is one of the largest diamond producers in the world.

Do you have a little bit?

Diamond The Rock (CNN)

Mr. Max Fawcett, Deputy General Manager of Jewelery, Christie’s A private auctioneer at the Geneva auction said most of the gems were less attractive because they wanted to maintain their weight.

Fawcett continued, “The Rock is a perfectly symmetrical and beautifully shaped teardrop diamond. It is one of the rarest gemstones Christie’s has ever auctioned.

For the history of this diamond Reports say it was found at a diamond mine in South Africa. The first owner received it as a necklace distributed by Cartier in Paris, France.

Christie’s auction record holds the largest diamond, 163.41 carats, with bidders in 2017. Christie’s has also auctioned a yellow pillow-shaped diamond, The Red Cross. The Red Cross Diamond weighs 205.07 carats.

The yellow diamond is named above because a portion of the proceeds from the auction will be donated to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), headquartered in Geneva.

An ICRC spokesperson said of the Rock diamond auction. that a portion of the proceeds from the auction will be used to support humanitarian aid missions to provide clean drinking water to war victims.



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