Do what you have to do quickly, Trump advises Netanyahu – World

Former President of the United States and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has told the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, to do whatever has to be done as soon as possible, to complete your victory in Gaza quickly because there is not much time left.

According to a report by India Today, Donald Trump said in a conversation with the Israeli Prime Minister that the chessboard of Gaza affairs is going to be wrapped up. A cease-fire agreement can be reached at any time. There is no time left to think and understand more. He urged Benjamin Netanyahu to take whatever advantage he can in the Gaza issue.

Commenting on Trump’s conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu, observers say that there might be a major attack on Gaza because Israel wants to threaten Iran on the one hand and on the other hand is in the process of asserting its superiority over Gaza. Gaza may be subjected to further bombing and shelling in response to attacks by Iran-backed militant groups on northern Israel.

It should be remembered that the apparently decisive period of negotiations in Qatar’s capital Doha regarding the cease-fire in Gaza has ended. It is being told that a few points have been agreed upon and it is possible that a ceasefire agreement will be signed this week.