Do we gain more weight in winter?

2023-11-16 11:27:00

Why am I gaining weight right now?

We must face the facts, even if it played overtime for a long time this year, and the month of October 2023 was the hottest month recorded in the world with an average of 15.3 ° C, the Summer has definitely left us! Which is not as trivial as you might think! But why ? This is, in part, a question of physiology. “The sun has a beneficial effect on fat cellsexplains Aurore Lavergnat, dietitian-nutritionist, because it promotes the release of part of their content. »

Fat storage

A Yougov study from 2022 shows that 44% of French people prefer spring and 43% summer. Autumn is only appreciated by 8% of the inhabitants of France. And winter comes last with only 6% of fans! It is true that “ in winter, the body stores fat in adipose cells. warns the dietician-nutritionist.

But it’s not just this reason that explains why we tend to gain more weight in winter than in summer.

Is it normal to gain weight in winter?

Indeed, it is not just the physiological phenomenon that explains the greater weight gain in winter than in fine weather. What are the other reasons?

Sweet foods

The grayness, the cold, the lack of light with the night falling earlier mean that in winter we want more ‘soft foods’, translate as fatty and sweet! For what ? “Because they promote the release of serotonin, the hormone of well-being and good humor, explains Aurore Lavergnat. However, in winter we need more serotonin to feel good. »

Seasonal vegetables

Compared to summer and its cucumbers, tomatoes, saladset green beans, winter vegetables are slightly more caloric. “Indeed, the root vegetables like celery, carrot, parsnip are richer in nutrients and carbohydrates, explains Aurore Lavergnat. You should count between 5 and 10 g of carbohydrates per 100 g compared to 3 to 5 g for summer green vegetables. But nature is well done! In winter, it provides more nutrients, and in particular carbohydrates, which help combat the cold thanks to the energy released, and therefore maintain the body at the right temperature. »

Winter dishes like raclettethe tartiflettethe veal stewthe hotpot…are also more caloric!

Extra calories!

“Regarding raclette, tartiflette, these dishes are quick and easy to prepare, therefore, we tend to put them on the menu often! warns the dietician-nutritionist. Due to the presence of carbohydrates in potatoes and fat in cheese and cold meats, they are addictive! » And in terms of energy intake, you need 161 calories* per 100 g for tartiflette and 343* only for raclette cheese! “So we can quickly go up to 500, 600 calories for a dish”warns the dietitian-nutritionist.

Balanced winter dishes

Let’s not be pessimistic though! Some winter dishes are more balanced. This is the case with pot au feu, beef bourguignon, sauerkraut…

“Provided, of course, that you give pride of place to vegetables: carrots, leeks, turnips, cabbage, parsnips…”, lists Aurore Lavergnat.

Not enough physical activity!

If on sunny days we are easily ready to go for a run, or a swim in the pool, in winter the motivation for practicing sport tends to wane! The rain, the cold, the night falling early makes you want to cocoon! As a result, we spend fewer calories per day !

And to warm up in winter, you have to think regarding vegetable soup, without adding bacon, cream, croutons or grated gruyere, of course so as not to see the increased numbers on the scale! And herbal teas too.

* Source: Ciqual table.

#gain #weight #winter



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