“Do the saunas and locker rooms in the official residence have such important facilities?” we asked… [현장영상]

2024-08-28 02:13:59


National Assembly Steering Committee

August 27, 2024

[천하람/개혁신당 의원]

“Now, in August 2022, you have expanded the second floor of the official residence by about 14 square meters.”

[윤재순/대통령실 총무비서관]

“You mean August 22nd?”

[천하람/개혁신당 의원]

“Yes, records show that renovation work on the official residence began in August and about 14 rooms were expanded a few months later. Now, related to this, there are reports that the media is talking about saunas and changing rooms.” In fact. , The president is actually an ordinary person. As far as I know, the existing Blue House has sauna facilities and dressing rooms.

I especially think that when relations between the government and the opposition are very tense these days, it is not appropriate for the president to invite the government and the opposition, especially politicians from the opposition party, to the sauna for frank talks.

One thing I want to point out, though, is that last year when we were reviewing congressional financial statements, it was noted that the Office of the President should develop standards and procedures for construction contract disclosures. Appropriate follow-up results are not yet available. There are no clear standards or procedures for disclosure.

Even when we tried to verify whether we signed a private contract or made a designated bid, when we asked the public procurement department they told us to get the data from the Office of the President, but when we asked the Office of the President they did not provide the data . It was not even submitted whether Malacañang would convene a contract review committee. If that’s the case, I wonder what exactly the point of us reviewing financial statements is.

As in the case of the Hanok expansion, I believe that transparently disclosing the details of the expansion, etc., is more in line with the president’s wishes and the purpose of moving to Yongsan to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings and strengthen communication with the public. “Are you willing to develop construction contract disclosure standards and procedures for the Presidential Palace and submit construction contract details as soon as possible?”

[윤재순/대통령실 총무비서관]

“Indeed, the last Congress said it would be a good idea to have disclosure standards, so as a way of improving contract review, we are implementing a contract review system and then we are working on a contract review system that limits disclosure as much as possible. Competitive bidding process,” said an opposition member. “Not only that, I also went to members of the ruling party one by one to explain it to them.

[천하람/개혁신당 의원]

“So the Presidential Palace has such an explanation, but the problem is that it only has this explanation and does not provide us with specific data. In this case, for us, especially the opposition members, the Presidential Palace is that if possible, we will proceed Bidding and contract reviews etc. “We can’t just go ahead and trust that they’ve got everything right, so we point out that minimum data should be provided, but that hasn’t been done yet. ”

[윤재순/대통령실 총무비서관]

“Our government has been like this for some time since the Yoon Seok-yeol administration came to power. There were 8 cases where the original plan was approved, but there were 8 cases where it was conditionally approved or rejected, and there are 6 cases. Therefore, we are tracking the status. , “You can submit it, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to reveal how you rejected the project and what it was about. ”

[천하람/개혁신당 의원]

“But in fact, I am talking about national security, these are all security secrets. Now, I am studying it specifically. The Presidential Security Service received 7.6 billion won in reserve funds to build security facilities. But now, if you look at this It’s a financial statement filed by the Office of the President, and there were new construction orders just last year, and that’s not an expense directly related to national security, because the Secret Service does that, it’s a Secret Service expense, and it’s a construction contract expense.

[윤재순/대통령실 총무비서관]

“As far as I know, successive governments have not disclosed the construction details of the Presidential Secretariat and Official Residence, because in the Comprehensive Defense Act, every important facility of the country is stipulated in the Comprehensive Defense Act. You see, “This refers to facilities, including the presidential palace, that if occupied, destroyed or paralyzed by the enemy, would have a serious impact on national security and people’s lives. ”

[천하람/개혁신당 의원]

“No, sorry, do the sauna and locker room have such important facilities?”

[윤재순/대통령실 총무비서관]

“Chairman, take a look. We have also seen media reports. Some may be right or wrong, but many are different from the facts. However, because of the information about Cheong Wa Dae and Cheong Wa Dae, the president’s works have been criticized bit by bit. “In this case, a large amount of information will be generated. If this information is leaked to the enemy or subversive forces, we will not be able to process it, so some parts cannot be disclosed.” ”

#saunas #locker #rooms #official #residence #important #facilities #asked.. #현장영상



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