do the French take too many antidepressants?

In France, more than 7 million people take antidepressants. A phenomenon that has become widespread with the appearance of Covid-19. Many anxiety disorders, stress, eating disorders, sleep disorders or even depressive syndromes have been observed since the pandemic.

It is recognized, the effectiveness of antidepressants is clinically recognized for certain categories of depression, in particular for severe depression. But these drugs would be prescribed far too much to patients who do not need them. This Tuesday evening, “Health Survey” is broadcasting a one-hour documentary on this subject.

Underestimated side effects

Widely developed and popularized in the 90s, led by Prozac, antidepressants are presented as a lifeline, the “happy pill”, a magic cure for anxiety states and depression. But it has also become a banal reflex: when you are in bad shape, you are put on treatment.

“From the moment a patient is depressed, he receives antidepressant treatment. This is a very bad option. For mild depression, we have no medication, but many patients are prescribed treatments in this context, ”explains Raphaëlle Richieri, psychiatrist at Sainte-Marguerite Hospital (APHM).

But the hidden side of antidepressants is much darker. They would cause insomnia, weight gain, but also anxiety, digestive and sexual disorders or even heart complications. “I always had one in my pocket just in case. It works very well, it’s a bit magical. Then I started having panic attacks while driving, ”says Laurence in the report. Suffering from misdiagnosed burnout, she received inappropriate treatment.

Sometimes serious side effects can occur, as well as withdrawal difficulties. “You feel like a drug addict, shaking in bed,” describes Hélène, who says she is “living a nightmare” because of this addiction to her treatment.

A reduced efficiency rate

Hard to believe, but in the 90s, no body controlled the studies carried out by pharmaceutical companies. They therefore chose to publish only favorable results for antidepressants, without mentioning adverse effects.

They also used to overestimate the effectiveness of these drugs. The France 5 documentary tells that an independent study reveals that antidepressants would only be effective on average at only 54%, and not 91%. New surveys have even dropped this rate to 15%. What to question the effectiveness of these “happiness pills”.

The broadcast of the documentary will be followed by a debate, moderated by Marina Carrère d’Encausse, who will be accompanied by three psychiatrists and an expert patient.

Health survey”, antidepressants, useful or dangerous? This Tuesday, February 28, from 9 p.m., on France 5.



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