Al-Marsad newspaper: A study at the University of Michigan Health revealed the damage caused by children spending a long time in front of the screen, especially with regard to eye problems.
The CS Mott Children’s Hospital survey of the health of young children at the University of Michigan Health indicates that only half of parents are aware of the dangers of screen time to the health of their children’s eyes, according to “Medical Express.”
Experts explained that the combination of increased screen time and less time outside as factors may put children at risk of developing myopia or low vision, which may lead to serious eye problems in the future, as the rate of myopia in children has increased dramatically in the past thirty years.
Experts pointed out that it is important for children to have vision tests at least every two years to ensure that the eyes are developing properly.
They reported that early identification and treatment of vision problems greatly reduces the deterioration of eye health.
Experts added that when children are outdoors, they should wear sunglasses or wide-brimmed hats to reduce the risk of UV damage, which can contribute to an increase in eye problems over time.