Do not panic if you encounter this bug, the iPhone has problems with SMS

2023-06-15 19:03:02

Having trouble texting from your iPhone in iOS 17? Worry no more, we have identified the cause of the problem.

At WWDC 2023, Apple announced the release of iOS 17. Many users rushed to install it, but the first problems were not long in coming. Indeed, some are already having problems with sending SMS.

A display error

iOS 17 finally comes with an auto-cleanup feature for text messages containing activation codes, but some users are having trouble sending text messages to Android phone users. Currently, the only solution is to contact your correspondent in another way. To ensure that the latter has received your message. Not really optimal for once.

It is currently difficult to know who is really affected by this bug. On the editorial side, we did not encounter this problem. However, some of you may face it. It’s important to remember that iOS 17 is currently in beta, which means it may have bugs.

We therefore advise you to install it only on test devices and above all not to put it on your main iPhone. Although this version is relatively stable for a beta, it may cause higher battery consumption.

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