Do not believe me – try: the psychologist Dolgov told how to fall in love in 49 minutes

– Despite the fact that previously unfamiliar men and women answered the questions, some even got married after the experiment. Answering such personal questions leaves you open, insecure. The general openness is very close. By talking about such topics with a complete stranger and listening carefully to him, you can quickly gain his trust. In addition, in an already established relationship, this kind of conversation can be great to refresh them, – thinks Denis Dolgov.

So, here are these 36 questions – try to answer quickly:

  • Out of everyone in the world, who would you invite over for dinner?

  • Would you like to be famous? What would you like to be famous for?

  • Before you make a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you’re going to say? Why?

  • What is your ideal day?

  • When was the last time you sang by yourself? And for someone else?

  • What would you choose: to keep the body or mind of your 30-year-old self for the next 60 years of your life?

  • Do you have a secret premonition about how you will die?

  • Name three things you and your partner have in common.

  • For what in your life are you most grateful?

  • If you could change anything about your upbringing, what would it be?

  • In 4 minutes, tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.

  • If you could wake up tomorrow with a certain quality or ability, what would it be?

  • If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about your life, the future, or anything else, what would you like to know?

  • Is there anything you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why didn’t you do it?

  • Name the biggest achievement in your life.

  • What do you value most in friends?

  • What is your most treasured memory?

  • Scariest memory?

  • If you knew that within one year you would suddenly die, would you change anything in your current life? Why?

  • What does friendship mean to you?

  • What role do love and affection play in your life?

  • Name the positive characteristics of your partner, about 5 points.

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  • How close are your family members? Do you think your childhood was happier than most other people’s?

  • What do you think about your relationship with your mother?

  • Make up three truthful sentences beginning with “we”. For example, “We are both in this room thinking about…”

  • Continue this phrase: “I would like to share with someone …”

  • What should a partner with whom you want to become close friends know about you?

  • Tell your partner what you like best about him. Try to be as honest as possible.

  • Share with your partner the most embarrassing moment of your life.

  • Think about the last time you cried and why.

  • What thing seems so serious to you that it’s impossible to joke about it?

  • If you were to die this evening, what would you like to say and to whom?

  • Your house with all your possessions caught fire. After saving loved ones, you have time to return to the house one more time and save one thing. What is this thing and why do you choose it?

  • The death of which member of your family would hurt you the most? Why?

  • Share a personal problem and ask your partner for advice on how to solve it.

  • Tell me about your first love.

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