Von FITBOOK | May 24, 2022 at 5:19 p.m
From a warm onion to treat earache to an undershirt that protects the kidneys from inflammation – there are many home remedies that are supposed to help us when we are ill. But which of these measures and everyday wisdom are really useful? FITBOOK explains.
The idea that you can get a grip on colds with natural home remedies comes from grandmother’s times. Even today, many people still swear by tricks such as eating rusks, cola and pretzel sticks for gastrointestinal problems. Some of it has – at least to some extent – a medical basis. FITBOOK has the experts on exactly which of the most well-known health myths are Ear, nose and throat specialist PD Dr. medical A. Moellers asked.
What do cola, pretzel sticks and rusks do for the gastrointestinal tract?
The myth that rusks, cola and pretzel sticks help with the gastrointestinal tract is actually true, as Dr. When asked by FITBOOK, Hauber explains: “In the case of a gastrointestinal infection, the body loses fluid and electrolytes (sodium and potassium). These have to be fed back in.” According to the expert, in the case of the foods mentioned, the combination is the decisive factor: Cola doesn’t have a lot of electrolytes, hence the pretzel sticks or rusks to accompany it (one isn’t better than the other, by the way – which one you choose is purely a matter of taste).
according to dr Hauber causes the high sugar content in the cola no additional promotion of diarrhea. However, the following electrolyte solution, which you can easily make yourself, is healthier: stir a quarter teaspoon each of table salt and baking powder into a liter of still water; optionally add some juice for taste… and then sip it.
Also interesting: What home remedies help with diarrhea
Vitamin C as a booster for the immune system
The famous “hot lemon” drink, which is associated with its Vitamin-C-Power to really get the cold out of you. And also prophylactically you can actually give your immune system a boost with vitamin C, confirms Dr. moellers The only important thing is to only add the fresh lemon juice to the water when it has already cooled down to drinking temperature. Otherwise the vitamin C will be destroyed by the heat.
Also interesting: Check out the best vitamin C supplements
If you have cold feet, you get sick – what’s the deal?
Colds are caused by viruses — not cold, explains Dr. Hans Peter Hauber. He is a pulmonologist and an expert in infectious diseases Asklepios Clinic Hamburg Altona and explains that cold feet inevitably lead to a cold. However: “The cold reduces the blood flow to the skin and mucous membranes so that the body can keep the internal organs warm.” This reduces the immune system – and thus also increases the risk of catching an infection.
Also interesting: What time of day are cold symptoms worst?
Does warm chicken soup help with a cold?
When it comes to illness, everyone has their own set of theories. And apropos: Whether chicken soup really brings back the spirits and whether you “catch death” with wet hair outside in winter, FITBOOK explains in the video above. Have a look!