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2024-02-13 15:00 Updated 2024-02-13 15:59

Dela Live: The government holds a press conference on elderly fraud – follow the broadcast directly

On Tuesday, the government summoned the police and managers from the major banks to discuss the elderly fraud. The background is a high-profile review by SVT about how fraudsters empty pensioners’ bank accounts.

Preliminary figures show that the number of reported fraud crimes increased by 22 percent last year. This is about 650 crimes every day, says Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson at a press conference.

– Fraud is increasing significantly, he says and points out that the elderly are often the victims.

– It is cynical and ruthless and must be stopped.

The banks need to do more to get at the fraudsters, according to Kristersson.

The prime minister does not rule out new legislation, but primarily wants to find technical solutions that increase protection for the elderly. Among other things, he mentions better control systems at the banks.

The bank association’s CEO Hans Lindberg says that the meeting was good and constructive, writes TT. He also believes that the banks can sharpen their work against fraud even further.

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