DMI extends cloudburst warning – Read the full article

This appears from an update on DMI’s website on Sunday morning.

On Saturday evening, DMI announced that large amounts of rain would fall on Zealand on Monday, but now the forecast also applies to Funen and most of Jutland.

The rainy weather also seems to be coming earlier.

The warning applies from the night of Monday at 02:00 until Monday evening at 21:00, while DMI previously said that the heavy rain would only make its entrance from the morning.

DMI expects that between 30 and 50 millimeters of rain will fall during the warning period.

Locally there may be cloudbursts. This is what you call it when at least 15 millimeters of rain falls in half an hour.

The expected rain comes from a strong low pressure moving north.

On Sunday, the low pressure is expected to bring a lot of rain in Italy, where meteorologists have given it the name Atena.

When the low pressure has passed Denmark, it will, as expected, continue towards Sweden.

At the moment, West Jutland and Bornholm seem to be the only ones not to get heavy rain.

But in the rest of the country, you should expect a lot of precipitation, which may be accompanied by strong thunder, DMI writes on its website.

In several places, the weather can also become quite windy.

The rainy weather comes after a few days when there has been sunshine over Denmark and tropical nights with temperatures above 20 degrees.

But autumn seems to set in from Monday, and on Tuesday DMI expects the autumn weather to continue with showers and temperatures between 13 and 17 degrees.


2024-09-08 07:18:23
#DMI #extends #cloudburst #warning #Read #full #article



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