DKI Dukcapil Ensures Deactivation of NIK Does Not Disrupt Regional Elections – 2024-06-27 06:11:00

Residents have their corneas recorded for Digital KTP (Antara)

HEAD of the Inhabitants and Civil Registry Service (Dukcapil) Budi Awaluddin confirmed that this system to deactivate the inhabitants identification quantity (NIK) didn’t have an effect on voter knowledge within the Jakarta Pilkada. It’s recorded that there are greater than 8 million everlasting voter lists (DPT) which were decided through the legislative elections (pileg).

“So the DPT, which has at the moment been set at 8.3 million, has no impact,” mentioned Budi in an viewers with Fee A of the DKI DPRD, Tuesday (25/6).

Budi defined that at the moment NIK deactivation solely targets individuals who have died. Nevertheless, he requested the general public to forged their vote on the polling station that corresponds to their KTP tackle.

“On this deactivation, the political rights of these affected by this coverage should not blocked. So they continue to be protected,” he defined.

Other than that, Budi invited individuals who weren’t glad with the NIK deactivation program to submit an objection. This may be carried out on the sub-district Dukcapil Submit.

“In order that the aspirations of the folks affected by the NIK deactivation program get the correct channels,” he mentioned. (Z-8)

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