Dizziness and physical exercise, everything you need to know

Suffer a dizziness at a certain time it is something that happens to all people for different reasons, therefore, it does not have to be an indication of something worrying. However, when a pattern of dizziness appears linked to physical exercise it is important to determine the causes, since it can be a symptom that something is wrong.

Next, we delve into the main causes of dizziness in physical exercise and its prevention methods.

Dizziness and physical exercise: main causes

If you have felt dizzy during the physical exercise You should know that there are different causes for which these occur. Here we are going to show you which are the most common, although we recommend that, if this problem persists, you contact your doctor to clear up any doubts and rule out relevant health problems.

nutritional deficiency

Food is a very crucial issue that affects all aspects of our health, well-being and day-to-day life. If the diet is unbalanced, our body will present a shortage of nutrients that provide the energy needed to play sports. This can be the cause of dizziness while exercising.


Heat strokes can occur in summer and in areas where temperatures rise considerably at this time of year. A heat stroke can cause dizziness when exercising, also a feeling of weakness or headaches. It’s very important hydrate well before sports practice, during and after, especially in hot places.

cardiological problem

The heart It is a very involved organ during training and physical exercise. Therefore, having a cardiovascular problem can cause the appearance of dizziness when doing sports. This is one of the most serious causes, so it is advisable to visit a specialist as soon as possible if it is suspected that it may be the reason for the ailment.

Prevention habits to avoid dizziness

The ideal is to prevent the circumstances that favor the appearance of dizziness while playing sports, it is the safest way to train without problems and to maintain good health.

One of the recommendations is go to the relevant medical check-ups and warn health personnel when a new exercise routine is going to start, so they can evaluate the conditions from which they start and make certain prior recommendations.

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As well it is important to take care of diet and hydration of the body when going to exercise. Our body needs energy to be strong and withstand physical stimuli in addition to staying well hydrated at all times. They are essential habits to avoid dizziness due to nutritional causes or heat stroke.

It is advisable to exercise regularly. If this is a new routine, the ideal is to start gradually to help the body adapt to the new situation, gradually strengthening the muscles and avoiding possible injuries or health problems resulting from overexertion.

This information does not replace in any case the diagnosis or prescription by a doctor. It is important to go to a specialist when symptoms appear in case of illness and never self-medicate.


Moreno, ATM (2012). Syncope and dizziness. Comprehensive Pediatrics, 16(8), 595-604.

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