DIY is going digital, all maintenance work in one click

Bricall, the platform for linking individuals and professionals of different specialties, offers, offers a digital solution to find in one click an experienced and available craftsman for an emergency intervention, a maintenance service, a development project or renovation, etc. The platform offers services from 14 trades (plumbers, locksmiths, electricians, aluminum carpenters, etc.). It covers 9 cities with more than 400 artisans who are experts in their fields.

Whether it’s for a plumbing or sealing problem, a fridge that breaks down, a washing machine that fails, a dishwasher to be reprogrammed, a water leak, a short circuit, the platform, created by Digiserv, a digital services development company, was launched to connect individuals and experienced craftsmen from different specialties. In addition to emergencies or “small odds and ends”, Bricall’s experts can also be called upon for various building works, whether for aluminum carpentry, plumbing, painting, masonry, electricity, etc., or for renovation or extension projects. , decoration,…

The platform thus aims to make life easier for Moroccans in carrying out their emergency and/or maintenance work. For this a digital solution has been developed to find an experienced craftsman selected by the company’s teams. Thus, in a few clicks, any individual can choose a craftsman on the platform who meets their needs by consulting their detailed profile and the ratings and opinions of their previous customers.

Recall that the platform currently includes more than 14 professions and covers 9 cities in Morocco with more than 400 artisans to its credit.

Finally, the platform which started in 2019 is now in full maturity phase with a number of connections which has experienced an exceptional growth of 300% between 2020 and 2021. And the prospects are even better as evidenced by the peak of connections recorded in December 2021 and January 2022.

This means that the platform was able to build a substantial portfolio in a very short period of time. The Covid-19 pandemic, which has accelerated digitalisation, which began a few years ago in several sectors, and which has prompted many self-employed workers to adapt to the changes imposed by the exceptional context of the health crisis, has contributed to this growth.

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