Divorced from his wife, after 2 years, I realized 5 bitter lessons, where to buy regret medicine

My ex-wife and I met each other through matchmaking without love. From two empty hands, after 15 years of striving, the couple has had a respectable property and two sons and daughters. Then I met the true love of my life.

Before, there was no love for my wife, all my youth was devoted to work, when I met her, I found myself as young and fresh as a young teenager, thinking of her makes my heart throb.

She is very beautiful, young and smart, and highly educated. That’s the woman I aspire to have and also worthy of me at that time.

I decided to divorce my wife to come to the woman I love.

After the divorce, I immediately bought a new apartment and immediately remarried with my lover. But after only 2 years of living happily together, the accident happened. I fell into debt, the company was in danger of bankruptcy. And then at this time, I bitterly realized the 5 truths that are never wrong.

I decided to divorce my wife to come to the woman I love. Illustration

1. True love outside of marriage is just an illusion

True love outside of marriage according to my bloody experience is all just an illusion. Love has to go through the test of time and the bittersweet taste of life. If at that time that feeling still stands, then it can be recognized as true love.

Many people are too quick to confirm, including me. When I had a lot of money, my wife treated me sweetly, and at that time I still thought I was right to divorce and marry her. When I had a difficult time in my career, she immediately changed her attitude.

It was then that I realized that there is no such thing as true love here. She just wants to get money from me in the name of love!

2. It is difficult for people who can be the third person to suffer together with their friends

A woman who is willing to become a third person to break into other people’s families and steal another woman’s husband is definitely not a good character. That person will never be with you to overcome the storm, she can only share the sweet and sour!

Believe me, once you become poor, she will not hesitate to leave you to find another richer man!

3. The person who has been with you since empty-handed is the one who needs to be cherished for a lifetime

Do not naively believe in the sweetness and tenderness of the women out there when she has not yet overcome difficulties with you.

The woman who comes with you from empty hands, doesn’t mind eating instant noodles and cold rice with you, taking care of you when you are sick, giving birth to your children and taking care of your parents – that’s the woman. The best woman in the world that you need to cherish and cherish.

I am talking about my ex-wife but I foolishly lost her and now I only regret it.

4. The man who gives all his money to his wife is not stupid but also very wise

Divorced from his wife Tao Khang and married


If you have a wife like the type of woman I mentioned above, do not hesitate to give her all the money to keep. That’s wisdom, not stupidity. If you don’t have money in hand, no girl will fall in love with you. When the property is in the wife’s name, it is strange that no true love will appear by your side!

During the time when I built a difficult career, no girl ever expressed love. But when I became rich, at that time not as energetic as before, there were dozens of women who wanted to jump in!

5. There is no cure for “regret” in the world

Right now I really regret divorcing my ex-wife, but in the world there is no cure for “regret”, time can never turn back for me to make another decision.

And my ex-wife was also hurt so much that she could never forgive me. On top of that, I really don’t have any face to appear in front of her.

Therefore, I would like to advise men with similar circumstances to never do as I did, because you will soon receive bitter bitterness…

Divorced from his wife Tao Khang and married

I didn’t want my mother to be sad, so I listened to her and went to see Tam. Who would have met her and then felt feelings for her.

Confessions of pregnant women

According to Quynh Chi (record)

Source: Literary and Art Times

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