“Distilled spirits” “Mezcal” from “Community Spirits” creates global value.

Mezcal or Mezcal is alcoholic beverages one type ofMexico that has always been misunderstood and understand that it is Tequila (Tequila)

Mezcal truth is the name.distilled liquorall kinds distilled from Agabe or agave (Agave) such as tequila (Tequila), Mezcal (Mezcal), Raicilla (Raicilla) and Bacanora (Bacanora), excluding Sotol (Sotol) that is not made from agave.

Agave Angustifolia

In 2017, I had the opportunity to travel to see how Mexican distilled spirits are made. Agabe indigenous plants that have evolved into distilled liquor famous all over the world

compared to Thailand The wisdom of Thai people in this regard is not inferior to anyone else. but due to many unfavorable factors especially the assistance from the government

Meat, vegetables, herbs and spices used to refine mezcal.

Recently, I was invited to be one of the selection committees.OTOP products (OTOP) National level for the year 2022 in the part ofalcoholic beverages Most of them are infused liquors such as Fruit wines, herbal wines, casseroles, wort and distilled spirits There are both distilled from rice, fruits and herbs.

mezcal distillation process

beforeOTOP alcoholic beverages There are thousands of them, less than 100 of them are left now, from the use of plants, vegetables, fruits and grains to make liquor, but few have been successful. Some of them died and disappeared.

tequila with mezcal how different tequila is distilled liquor nationalMexico must be distilled fromAgabe Blue Agave or Blue Weber Agave or Agave Tequilana Weber Varietà Azul only, has an alcohol content of between 35-55% and has been registered for protection (Protected designation of Origin) by the European Union since 1997.

Mezcal Breast

and must be produced from 200 communities in five states: Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacán, Nayarit and Tamaulipas. (Tamaulipas) by the State of Jalisco called Blue Weber Agave It is the heart of tequila production, comprising 125 communities, producing approximately 97% of all tequila.


part Mezcal Made from over 30 species of agave, Angustifolia or Espadín, such as Tobalá, Madre-cuishe, Arroqueño and Cenizo, in 9 states ofMexico These include Oaxaca, Guerrero, Durango, San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas, Tamaulipas, Guanajuato, Michoacán and Puebla, with 85% produced in Oaxaca of which 90% are made from Espadín agave.smoke while the alcohol is between 36-55%

That is why every tequila is mezcal. But not every mezcal is tequila.

Collect Piya (Credit: mauinews.com)

Mezcal making process is harvestAgabeCome cut until Piñas (Piñas) are burned in a large pit oven, everything is done by hand. This is where you can smell and taste smoke.

The difference from tequila is the distillation process. MezcalIt is cured with agabe fiber. and at least once distilled is distilled in clay or copper pots. and then bottled immediately following distillation.

Homemade mezcal distillation process

type of mezcal

1 Joven : It’s a Young Mezca, may or may not be fermented. If cured, it will be incubated for at least 2 months.

2 Reposado : Meaning: Rested must be aged in oak barrels for 2 months – 1 year.

3 Añejo / Añejado (Añejo / Añejado) : Must be aged in oak barrels for more than 1 year.

squeezing the burnt piña juice

exceptsmokethat is already unique taste and smell ofMezcalwill depend on the raw material isAgabeis important, for example

If made from agave, Espadin has aromas and flavors of grains, coriander and citrus / Madre-cuishe agabe has mineral and cumin / Made from agave, Tobalá has a classic flavor and floral aroma. Smoky / Made from Tepastate Agabe, the taste is strong. Fragrant aromas of cereals, flowers, fresh grass, grass, and spicy, etc.

Mezcal Kiln

Mezcals are divided into two main types:

1  Ancestral Mezcal : It is made from agabe that is cooked (Baked) in a pit oven by digging a hole into it. Then put firewood in the bottom of the pit. Put Piña on firewood and set it on fire from the chimney of the furnace. Piña will be burned, causing the water to disappear, leaving only sugar. It is then crushed or squeezed with Tahona, a large antique grinder, or squeezed by hand. It is then fermented with agabe fiber or fiber. Distilled in a clay or wood distillation pot in direct fire on the still.

mezcal colorful label

2  Artisanal Mezcal : Made from agabe cooked in pit ovens located underground. or a stone stove on the ground You can squeeze the juice either mechanically or by hand. Then fermented in a clay pot or wood. Do not use metal, then distilled in a copper pot. and alcohol must not be less than 45%

Hang the chicken breasts over the pot.

MezcalAnother strange thing is Mezcal de Pechuca (Breast Mezcal / Mezcal Breast) The word Pechuga means breast. because in the production there will beHang the chicken or turkey breasts over the pot. in the third distillation.

This recipe uses hung bacon.

Breast Mezcal Small production, most of them are traditional family recipes. The production process is Take a refined mezcal once. Approximately 35% alcohol is added to the distillation pot. Then add fruit, nuts, herbs and various kinds of spicy spices depending on the recipe.

Agabe’s fiber-cured mezcal.

commonly used such as Almonds, bananas, apples, raisins, pineapple, guava, rice, cinnamon, wrapped in a cloth with chicken or turkey breast. Hang it above the mezcal in the distillation pot. then distilled once more to enhance the smell and taste of distilled liquor this kind

Some people say they need protein from the chicken breasts as well. While some producers use other meats, such as pigs, deer, rabbits, turkeys and quail, for example, 40% of the alcohol is up to over 60%.

Mezcal with worms

As for liquor with worms in the bottlethat isMezcal notequila This worm is called Gussano de Maguey or Chinicuil, Gusano Rojo, Red worm, meaningThe worm in the agabe tree It is the larva of the worm that grows in the plant.Agabe Actually nothing complicated. It’s a marketing mezcal, made in the state of Oasaca, that says it adds flavor and benefits.

Young Breast

However, the Mexican These worms are roasted in salt and eaten as a snack along with tequila or other beverages. Some bars will serve1 short worm mezcal with lemon and spicy spices Hold your heart, hold your breath, get another taste

Agabe Farmer (Credit: freepik.com)

As mentioned in the first place, We have a lot of good things in our house. People have the same wisdom as anyone in the world. But what we lost was..we didn’t get serious and sincere support.



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