Distance learning to become a structural feature in Flemish secondary schools.

The Flemish Parliament has passed a decree that allows for hybrid education in secondary schools. This means that distance learning can now be structurally implemented in schools, which became a necessity during the pandemic. However, the decree has set limits for distance lessons. In the first and second year of secondary education, they can only represent 20% of courses, while in the third and fourth year, this threshold is raised to 30%. For the final years of secondary education, the limit is 40%. However, schools will need to ensure that children from disadvantaged backgrounds have the necessary equipment for distance courses. Moreover, students will still have the option to attend school to follow their courses. An evaluation of the new system is planned for the 2026-2027 school year. The decree was approved by the N-VA, CD&V, and Open Vld parties, while opposing parties Vooruit, Groen, and PVDA (PTB) voted once morest it. The Vlaams Belang party was not present during the vote.

The Flemish Parliament validated on Wednesday a decree which anchors the hybridization of education in secondary schools. They will therefore be able to make structural use of distance learning in the future, a practice that had emerged with the health crisis.

The decree adopted on Wednesday, however, sets limits for these distance lessons. At the first secondary level (1st and 2nd year), these can only represent a maximum of 20% of the courses.

In the second degree (3rd and 4th), this threshold is raised to 30%, and 40% for the last degree of secondary (5th and 6th).

Hybrid education: two schools, two operations

The schools that will practice this distance learning will however have to offer guarantees to ensure that children from disadvantaged backgrounds have the necessary equipment for these distance courses.

They will also always have the possibility of asking to follow their courses at the school.

A first evaluation of the new system is planned for the 2026-2027 school year.

The decree was approved on Wednesday by the majority N-VA, CD&V and Open Vld in control in Flanders.

Opposition MPs Vooruit, Groen and PVDA (PTB) voted once morest. No Vlaams Belang MP was present during the vote.

The approval of the hybrid education decree in Flanders marks a significant step towards a more flexible and adaptable education system. While the implementation of distance learning was accelerated by the pandemic, this new decree sets clear boundaries and safeguards to ensure that students from all backgrounds can benefit from it. The next few years will be crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of this new approach, but for now, it offers hope and opportunities for students and schools alike.



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