Disruptions in Vaca Muerta: Understanding the Effects of Mapuche Protest Actions

2024-09-17 01:53:00

As of 8 a.m. this Monday, in the Xawvnko region of Neuquen Mapuche Federation Road closures began at several strategic locations in Vaca Muerta, as part of an indefinite protest. Look where they made the cuts.

According to reports from Zonal to Diario RÍO NEGRO, around 1:00 p.m. The deportation order was issued at the request of prosecutor Juan Narváezalbeit maintained due to the lockdown.

“We continue to have no response to our complaints,” they said Monday night.

Judicial sources said that in fact, This is a call to abandon lockdown. If not complied with, an eviction order will be issued.

Stern statement from the Mapuche Federation: “We will stay as long as necessary”

Meanwhile, the Mapuche Federation explained in its network that the Prosecutor’s Office A time is imposed for the execution of the order.

They questioned whether this was a request from the prosecutor for economic crimes and not from the prosecutor for environmental crimes, as “it would be consistent with our complaint”. They accomplished: «Is this to show us that justice is not blind? So it’s clear that Justice knows where and who to hit«.

The organization reminds the Public Ministry that it is the Prosecutor’s Office “Hosted and signed as guarantor and witness to the unfulfilled commitments and promises of the Neuquén government«.

They also targeted Gov. Rolando Figueroa, wondering whether he would “provide public force to defeat us” as the “corporation” demanded.

They noted, adding: “We call on both sides to exercise sanity and justice so that they respond not with threats, but with the fairness and urgency that our community life demands.”We’ll stay here as long as necessary until we get answers. Beatings and death threats won’t make us back down. MARICIWEW MARICIWEW! !

Photo: Courtesy of Neuquen Mapuche Federation.

Key points of Vaca Muerta cut: Mapuche people block access

The protests focused on five strategic points related to the fracking industry and oil fields. andThe sites considered by protesters to be “pollution centers” include facilities at Servicios Ambientales Neuquén (SAN), Indarsa, Ecopolo, Treater and Comarsa.

According to the community, these petroleum waste treatment plantsThe company’s operations did not comply with current environmental regulations, and the Provincial Environment Secretariat was aware of this but took no action.

The blockades were installed on access roads to the factories, most of which are located near the town of Agnello, the heart of Vaca Muerta’s oil industry. Protesters insist they won’t back out of the cuts until they get a concrete response from the provincial government.

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Lock point position:

Neuquen Environmental Services (SAN): Located off Route 7, 10 kilometers from Añelo ejido.

Place: The factory is located 9.5 kilometers away from Highway 17, Agnello Province, Neuquén Province.

Eco Polo: Located on provincial road No. 17, close to Agnello.

Therapist: The factory is located in Añelo Industrial Park, Lot 56, Provincial Road 17.

Komasa: The factory is located in the Añelo Industrial Park next to Provincial Road 7.

Mapuche communities announce they will maintainBlocked indefinitely until progress is made on their demandsstating that they will no longer accept dialogue forms without results.

Map of land conflict with Mapuche: They promise to complete territorial survey of Neuquén

The Courthouse of Vaca Muerta: the key to understanding the conflict between Rolando Figueroa and the Mapuche community

Mapuche community requests Fulfilling the promises made by Governor Rolando Figueroa and denouncing the failure to comply with an agreement that has gone without response for more than 10 months.

The Mapuche community’s demands include, among others: Register the legal status of several oil extraction areas in the region, close oil dumping sites Its operations do not comply with environmental regulations and land surveys of different communities.

Protesters stress that the provincial government has not responded to their demands; Despite numerous meetings, no concrete results were produced.

In addition, the Mapuche people requested the establishment of a registry of Mapuche communities and organizations, and issued a decree in February 2023 committing to Implement intercultural education in the provinces of Confluencia, Añelo and Pehuenches and provide basic services such as gas, electricity and water to areas affected by the extraction of Vaca Muerta.

They denounced the rural population, whether Mapuche or native, Despite living in areas with oil infrastructure, people are still excluded from these basic services.

#Cuts #Vaca #Muerta #blockade #continues #due #Mapuche #claims

Mapuche⁤ Federation’s protest in Vaca Muerta: what ⁤environmental concerns are they ⁤raising? ⁤

Mapuche Federation Blocks Access to Vaca‌ Muerta Oil⁣ Fields in Protest of Environmental Concerns

In a bold move,‍ the Mapuche Federation, an indigenous organization,⁢ has launched an indefinite ‍protest ‌in the Xawvnko region ‍of Neuquen, blocking access ⁢to several strategic locations in⁣ Vaca Muerta, ⁣a major oil-producing region in Argentina. The protest, which began ​on Monday, aims to draw attention to the‍ environmental concerns and unfulfilled commitments of the Neuquen government.

Road ‍Closures ​and Deportation Orders

As part of the protest, road closures were implemented at five strategic points related ‌to the fracking industry and oil fields. The ⁤sites, considered “pollution centers” by the protesters,‍ include‍ facilities at Servicios‌ Ambientales Neuquén (SAN), Indarsa, Ecopolo, Treater, and Comarsa. The blockades were installed on access roads to ​the factories, most of which are located near the town of Agnello,‍ the heart of Vaca Muerta’s oil industry.

However, the Prosecutor’s Office has⁣ issued a deportation​ order, requesting the protesters to abandon the lockdown. The ​order was issued at the request of prosecutor Juan Narváez, despite the ongoing protest. Judicial sources have stated that if the protesters do not comply, an eviction order will be‌ issued.

Stern Statement from the Mapuche Federation

In response to the deportation order, the ​Mapuche Federation has issued a stern statement, vowing to stay‌ as long as necessary until their demands are met. They question the prosecutor’s motives, ‌asking whether this is a request from the prosecutor for economic crimes and ‌not from ‌the prosecutor for environmental crimes, ‌as “it would be consistent with our complaint.”

The organization⁤ also targeted Gov. Rolando Figueroa, wondering whether he would “provide public⁢ force to defeat us” as the “corporation” demanded. They called on both sides to exercise sanity and justice, responding not with threats, but with the fairness and ​urgency that their community life demands.

Environmental Concerns

The Mapuche Federation’s main concern is the alleged non-compliance of the⁤ environmental regulations by the petroleum waste treatment plants. They claim that the Provincial Environment Secretariat was aware of this but took no action. The protesters are demanding a territorial survey and concrete responses from the provincial government ⁣to address their​ environmental concerns.

Key Points of Vaca Muerta Cut

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