Dispute over transfers in mainland France: 10 teachers will be able to stay in Reunion…

As every year, secondary school teachers from Reunion Island are transferred to mainland France. Members of Parliament from Reunion Island are mobilizing against these assignments. Frédéric Maillot was informed on Friday 16 August by Pierre-François Mourier, the rector, that 10 temporary assignment files were finally accepted for retention in the academy.

Young teachers torn from their native island to go and work in France. As every year, as the start of the school year approaches, the problem of transferring the winners of the secondary education competition comes up again.

This year, this long-term work has started to bear fruit for certain files. Yesterday, Friday August 16, 2024, Frédéric Maillot, deputy of the 6th constituency, welcomed the retention in Reunion of 10 teachers, 5 trainees and 5 permanent teachers.

Parliamentarians such as Frédéric Maillot have been campaigning for several years alongside Huguette Bello, President of the Region, for a local assignment.

Asked about the issue of transfers of Reunion teachers in August 2023 during his visit to Reunion, Gabriel Attal, the Minister of National Education, replied that he was “legitimate” that these civil servants be assigned as a priority to their original department. He had also asked Pierre-François Mourir to work on this sensitive subject.

“With my colleagues, I took the initiative to bring together the vital forces of Reunion Island to defend the desire of these many trainee and permanent teachers to stay in Reunion Island to invest in the education of our Marmay and alongside their loved ones”recalls MP Frédéric Maillot in a press release published this Friday.

According to the MP for the 6th constituency, the files selected “are those who have motivated very sensitive family reasons: care for seriously ill and/or disabled ascendants, couples with children”.

“I acknowledge this progress but remain mobilized alongside these many teachers because many cases still need to be reviewed,” souligne Frédéric Maillot.

“The current criteria based solely on the CIMM no longer correspond to the reality of the people of Reunion Island, I will make proposals to reform these criteria as closely as possible to our realities. The fight continues”he concluded.



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