Dispute over change of non-governmental representatives in Development Councils begins – 2024-07-25 22:32:59

By October of this year, civil society organizations that make up the Departmental Councils for Urban and Rural Development (Codede) must hold their elections to choose new representatives. Former mayors recognize that these positions are of interest due to the power and budget quota they manage, in addition to the fact that they are often used as a political platform to make themselves known and reach out to well-known politicians.

The maximum time that they can remain in that representation before the Codedes is two years, as established by law, but they can opt for re-election. Cases in which the same person represents the same organization for several years are not new.

The responsibilities of these representatives include programming projects and executing the budget assigned to them. This year alone, they have a total of more than Q3,392 million for works. In addition, they play a role in the designation of governors, since they are the ones who make up the lists and refine the lists that are sent to the president for appointments.

According to data from the Control of Disbursements and Finances to Codedes (Codet) portal, only Q349 million have been disbursed so far and only Q205 million have been executed, which represents six percent of the total amount.

The election must take place in the first 10 days of October, as reported by the Executive Coordination Secretariat (SCEP). One month later, the elections for the representatives of the Regional Council will take place, and in December, those for the National Council. This process will take place while the general budget for 2025 is being discussed in Congress.

For the Codedes, the figure for next year could increase to Q4,299 million, as approved by the last National Council for Urban and Rural Development (Conadur).

Share of power

The former president of the National Association of Municipalities (ANAM), Selvin García, stated that civil organizations are necessary at the local level because they are the direct representation of the citizens of the place that work in cooperation with the authorities.

“It is important because first of all, all the State institutions are represented in local power, as well as those that are a fundamental part of the actions and activities in the municipality, that know the reality and can contribute to the mayor’s work,” he added.

He believes that representatives must be elected with the objective of truly representing the interests of the part of the population they represent.

Along the same lines, district deputy and former mayor Miguel Ovalle commented, agreeing with García that the goal is for all members to be able to participate and for there to be alternation, but this does not always occur, as there are cases in which the same person remains in the position for up to 10 years.

“Some people take over institutions and never change their participation in Codede, and they no longer give opportunities to others and in some way, far from becoming citizen participation, they become monopolies where everyone pursues their own agenda and no longer the agenda that directly interests civil society,” he added.

Ovalle added that the interests of these people in remaining in the Codedes may vary, as they seek their own benefit, but they could fall on the power quota they possess with the vote they have within the Councils and the funds they manage.

“They are learning that a vote within Codede has something to do with it, that forming a list of three candidates within Codede has something to do with it and because, sadly, all government bodies have been manipulated and everything has been done in such a way as to see how there are interests that arise from financial or other types of favors,” he indicated.

On the other hand, this representation before the population has previously been a political platform to reach positions within municipal leadership or Congress.

“It is a way to demonstrate or expose themselves at the community level to show that they have leadership and that they are interested, and since it is a platform, it is a place where the interests of the municipality are known,” explained García.

Another common extreme is that some district deputies place people they trust in these positions. Proof of this extreme is that in the recent election of governors, in some departments, through civil society, deputies or mayors tried to position their candidates.


At the moment, SCEP is in the stage of coordination meetings with the General Secretariat for Planning and Programming of the Presidency (Segeplan), to later meet with the Executive entities to convene the different organizations.

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  • Ministry of Culture and Sports to the Maya, Xinca and Garifuna peoples
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  • Presidential Secretary for Women to women’s organizations
  • National Institute of Cooperatives to cooperative organizations

#Dispute #change #nongovernmental #representatives #Development #Councils #begins



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