Disposable diapers: ANSES proposes a restriction of hazardous chemical substances for the entire European Union | handles

In its 2019 expert appraisal, ANSES pointed baby health risks related to presence of chemicals of concern in disposable baby diapers. In order to protect the health of the little ones, ANSES submitted a proposition de restriction to the European Chemicals Agency. This restriction would make it possible to regulate the marketing of diapers on the European market and to guarantee the same level of health safety for all products.

Regulatory measures to eliminate health risks

ANSES sets threshold concentrations not to be exceeded for certain substances that have been identified in the diapers: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dioxins, furans, PCBs and formaldehyde. These thresholds would make it possible to drastically reduce the concentrations of these substances in disposable diapers and thus eliminate the risk to the health of babies.

The Agency also offers a layer analysis method which will have to be harmonized at European level to search for these substances. Indeed, in its 2019 expert appraisal, ANSES had developed a method which makes it possible to take into account the most realistic conditions of exposure according to the behavior of the baby. It will be a question of relying on this methodological basis.

Finally, ANSES made several assumptions regarding the sources of diaper contamination and proposed possible measures to limit this contamination, in particular by strengthening the control of raw materials and manufacturing processes. It therefore recommends carrying out additional tests to check that the raw materials are not already contaminated before manufacturing, controlling the temperature during heating to prevent the appearance of PAHs, controlling the bleaching processes, and removing certain dyes. .

On videoDiapers for babies: limiting the presence of substances to protect their health



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