Disorders and Diseases of the Human Reproductive System and Their Prevention – 2024-07-24 13:20:02


The reproductive system is very susceptible to disorders and diseases. There are several diseases that attack our reproductive system.

What diseases can affect the reproductive system? The following is a discussion of several disorders and diseases that can occur in the human reproductive system as reported by the Natural Science Book/Ministry of Education and Culture for Junior High School/MTs Class IX Semester 1 written by Siti Zubaidah et al.

Disorders and diseases of the reproductive system


AIDS is a disease caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) which attacks the immune system of sufferers. Currently, the disease caused by HIV is better known as AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome).

Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent it and there is no medicine that can be relied upon to overcome HIV/AIDS. HIV can be transmitted from parents (who are infected) to their children through infected blood transfusions, transmitted due to unhealthy lifestyles such as promiscuity, and using injection needles for illegal drugs such as narcotics.

Therefore, let’s avoid free association and avoid consuming illegal drugs (narcotics). Say no to drug and free sex!

Someone who is infected with HIV, their immune system will decline. Within 5-7 years the sufferer seems like a healthy person, not showing any symptoms.

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The next phase of AIDS can only be diagnosed after the body’s immunity is greatly reduced and certain diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, herpes, disturbed nerves, and others arise. However, not everyone who suffers from the above diseases must have AIDS.

This phase lasts 3-6 months. To determine whether someone is positive for AIDS or not, a laboratory test must be performed to determine the number of T cells (one of the white blood cells that plays a role in immunity).

2. Gonore (GO).

Gonorrhea is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Symptoms of this disease are pain and discharge of pus when urinating in men, and yellow-green vaginal discharge in women. This disease can cause blindness in newborns.

Also read: Learning about Female Reproductive Organs and Oogenesis

3. Syphilis (king lion).

Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. The initial symptom of the disease is a sore at the site of entry of the bacteria into the body, usually around the genitals.

This disease can spread and attack other organs of the body. This then causes damage to the organs.

4. Genital herpes simplex.

Genital herpes simplex disease is caused by the Herpes simplex virus type II which attacks the skin in the external genitalia, anus, and vagina. Symptoms of this disease include itching, burning, and redness of the skin in the genital area.

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Then in the area there are some small blisters. Then the blisters burst and cause wounds. Herpes is very difficult to cure and often recurs after several months or years.

5. Whiteness.

Leucorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that occurs in women with the characteristics of a yellowish-white or grayish-white fluid in the vagina. The fluid is thin or thick, has an unpleasant odor, and can cause itching in the vagina.

This disease can be caused by Candida albicans fungal infection, bacteria, viruses and parasites. This disease can occur if the cleanliness of the vagina and surrounding area is not maintained properly.

6. Epididymitis.

This disease occurs in men. Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis caused by infection or sexually transmitted diseases.

This disease is characterized by pain accompanied by swelling in one of the testicles. One of the causes of this disease is promiscuity.

Prevention of diseases of the reproductive system

The human reproductive system must be maintained as well as possible. In addition to health, this is done as one way we glorify God’s creation.

Diseases of the reproductive system can be caused by several factors. The first factor is not maintaining the cleanliness of the reproductive organs.

If the cleanliness of the reproductive organs is not maintained, it can be infected by diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, or other parasites. Well, here are some efforts to prevent contracting diseases caused by fungal infections, bacteria, or other parasites.

1. Wear underwear made of cotton and soft texture. Avoid materials that are hot, poorly absorbent and tight (such as jeans).

2. Make it a habit to rinse the reproductive organs thoroughly after urinating or defecating. Next, dry the remaining water that is still stuck to the skin using tissue or a towel until it is completely dry. This will reduce the risk of fungal infection in the reproductive organs.

3. Change underwear 2-3 times a day.

4. Cut the hair in the area of ​​the reproductive organs when it is long. If it is too long, it will become a nest of germs.

5. For women, when menstruating, change your pads as often as possible. When the blood flow is heavy, you can change it at least every 2-3 hours. Blood that is collected in the pad can be a medium for germs to grow that cause infection.

6. For women, avoid using feminine hygiene soap and pantyliners continuously. Using feminine hygiene soap will change the pH of the vagina and will kill good bacteria (normal flora) in the vagina which will then trigger the growth of fungus.

Continuous use of pantyliners can cause the vaginal area to become damp, making it easier for bacterial and fungal infections to occur, causing acne to appear in the vaginal area, and causing skin irritation.

7. Exercise regularly and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. In addition to being beneficial for health, this behavior can also prevent reproductive organ infections by fungi.

Factors that can cause diseases in the reproductive system are promiscuity and drug use. However, diseases in the reproductive system can also be caused by blood transfusions that have been infected with the disease or are inherited from parents who have been infected through the pregnancy process.

In order to prevent diseases of the reproductive system caused by these factors, you must be able to maintain your relationships and choose a healthy lifestyle. In addition, use the internet wisely and judiciously, by not accessing sites that provide pornographic images or films, which will slowly but surely push you into promiscuity that is very susceptible to the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

Another thing you can do is to stay away from drug use, because this is another way that can make you a sufferer of sexually transmitted diseases. Use your free time to channel hobbies or positive activities, so that you can achieve and avoid unhealthy relationships.

You can also explore various types of diseases in the reproductive system as well as the causes and prevention efforts that can be done early. You can do this activity with the guidance of a science teacher at school.

Visit health seminars that discuss adolescent reproductive health issues to get the right and appropriate information. It is possible that you can also hold a reproductive health discussion event by inviting doctors or speakers who understand about HIV/AIDS.

You can also ask your doctor, parents, and other family members. Ask a lot about how to protect your reproductive organs from disease. This can prevent you from wrong sources of information, such as information from the internet that may not all be suitable for children your age. (Z-2)

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