“Dismissal of Mount Lebanon Court of Appeal Attorney General Ghada Aoun: Controversy and Claims of Vindictive Lawsuits”

2023-05-04 09:45:46

The Attorney General at the Court of Appeal of Mount Lebanon Ghada Aoun was dismissed from her post on Thursday by the disciplinary council of magistrates, according to the National News Agency (ANI, official). Contacted by L’Orient- Le Jour, a senior judicial source did not deny the veracity of this information.

The reasons for this decision were not disclosed to the press, but Judge Aoun was the subject of complaints to the Judicial Inspectorate. This decision is subject to appeal before the High Disciplinary Council of Magistrates. According to the LBCI channel, Ghada Aoun has decided to challenge his dismissal.

Shortly following the announcement of his layoff, Ghada Aoun spoke to a crowd of supporters gathered outside the Beirut courthouse. Visibly very moved, the magistrate assured that she had made no mistake. “I say it out loud, these lawsuits are vindictive,” she said. “The files that I investigated have been relaunched internationally. The question of adulterated fuel oil (involving the Rahmé brothers) has been confirmed by the United States. Riad Salamé is currently being prosecuted (in several European countries)”, added said the judge. “Look at the state of the country, people are in a situation of absolute misery, they can’t even get treatment and here they are trying to sue a judge who has done his duty in all conscience” , she continued. “I’m not afraid of anyone. Even if they want to kill me, I have no problem,” she said.

The Judicial Inspectorate had probably referred his file to the disciplinary council of magistrates who took this decision on Thursday, according to the aforementioned source. This council is chaired by Judge Jamal Hajjar and made up of members Mirna Bayda and Ayman Oueidate.

Ghada Aoun was brought before the Judicial Inspectorate for the first time in April 2021, following her highly publicized searches at the headquarters of the Mecattaf company, in Aoukar (Metn), in front of a crowd of supporters of the Free Patriotic Movement (CPL). Ms. Aoun had also refused to comply with a decision by the Attorney General at the Court of Cassation Ghassan Oueidate, consisting in removing her from cases related to financial crimes. The magistrate, who in recent years has initiated proceedings once morest several officials, including the governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salamé, often finds herself at the center of judicial turmoil and is known for her closeness to the presidential camp and the CPL. .

In our archive

Ghada Aoun, beyond the scandals

The magistrate notably appeared on July 7, 2022 before Jamal Hajjar, president of the 6th criminal chamber of the court of cassation. She had testified regarding what she was accused of, namely “breach of the duty of reserve and practice of pressure on the magistrates of the court of appeal responsible for examining the complaint in progress once morest her”.

The attorney general at the Mount Lebanon Court of Appeal Ghada Aoun was dismissed from her post on Thursday by the magistrates’ disciplinary council, according to the National News Agency (ANI, official). Contacted by L’Orient-Le Jour, a senior judicial source did not deny the veracity of this information.
The reasons for this decision were not disclosed to the…

#Ghada #Aoun #removed #office #magistrates #disciplinary #council



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