Diseases of the “Signora Tomato”: we carry out prevention – GorodChe

Detect and prevent diseases of your favorite vegetable

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To get a rich harvest of tomatoes, quality care and care for plants will help. It is especially important to pay attention to the prevention of diseases that can completely ruin all the work of a gardener.

The ailments that this capricious culture suffers from destroy not only the leaves and stems, but also seriously damage the fruits. As a result, if you miss the moment and miss the development of the disease, then the entire crop will have to be destroyed.

Treatment and prevention of tomato diseases depends on the type of disease. Here are a few ways to treat the most common tomato diseases.

Phytophthora – the warning is especially effective. Preventive measures include reducing the amount of watering, increasing lighting and ventilation, using soil mixtures with a high content of marshy peat, and spraying the garden with a fungicide.

powdery mildew – as a treatment, you can spray the plants with a lactic acid bacterial preparation or topaz, which can be bought in specialized stores.

moldy rot – remove damaged tomato fruits. Treating the garden with a fungicide can also increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

bacterial cancer – remove the damaged parts of the plant. Preventive measures include growing varieties with increased resistance to diseases and treating the garden with a biological product.

Mold rot

tomato mosaic virus – remove damaged plants to prevent its spread. There is no cure, but preventative measures, such as using healthy seeds, can help prevent plant infestation.

Nematodosis – remove damaged plants. The use of nematicides can help control the spread of the disease. Also, you can plant tomatoes following crops that are not susceptible to nematodes, such as greens or onions.

It is important for gardeners to remember that almost all tomato diseases depend on a balanced top dressing during the growing season. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect the plants daily.

Source: semena.cc

Photo Sources: Global Look Press,,semena.cc



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