“Diseases Affecting Intimacy: Understanding Their Impact on Sexual Health”

2023-05-01 18:40:40

09:40 pm

Monday 01 May 2023

the concerto

Some people face great difficulties in practicing intimacy with the required efficiency, and the reason is sometimes due to infection with a group of diseases.

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In the following report, The Consulto reviews the most prominent diseases that negatively affect intimacy, according to WebMD.

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Diseases affecting intimacy

1- Diabetes

Diabetes impairs the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the genitals in both men and women, which increases the risk of erectile dysfunction and vaginal dryness.

Vaginal dryness, which is common among women with diabetes, makes them more likely to feel severe pain during intimacy, due to the difficulty of penetration in light of the decrease in vaginal secretions.

If diabetes causes inflammation or damage to peripheral nerves, the patient may also experience numbness in the genitals.

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2- High blood pressure

The danger of high blood pressure lies in the possibility that it may lead to damage to blood vessels, which reduces the blood flow to the genitals, and thus causes erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and decreased libido.

3- Depression

Depression has negative effects on intimacy, as it leads to weak sexual desire, and the reason is due to an imbalance in neurotransmitters.

Antidepressants also threaten men with erectile dysfunction, and women with difficulty achieving orgasm.

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4- The pain is chronic

People who suffer from chronic pain in the body resort to taking painkillers in high doses, without realizing that excessive use is harmful to sexual health, because of its effect on the nervous system.

5- Arthritis

It is difficult for a patient with arthritis to practice intimacy, because of the pain that intensifies during sexual intercourse, especially when taking some sexual positions.

Therefore, doctors recommend arthritis patients to follow the following tips, to have sexual intercourse easily:

Take an analgesic at least 30 minutes beforehand.

Support the joints with pillows.

Joint massage, to relieve symptoms.

Take a nap before having sex.

6- Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease affects movement, so Parkinson’s patients have great difficulty in having sex. On the other hand, others suffer from sex addiction, because some drugs increase dopamine levels in the body.

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