Discussing Financial Inclusivity to Geopolitical Stability, Airlangga Had a Warm Conversation with Tony Blair – 2024-04-21 02:56:25

Airlangga Hartarto and Tony Blair discussed geopolitical issues which are currently emerging amidst other global uncertainties.

AS one of the pillars in the strategy to encourage national economic growth, financial inclusion for various groups of society continues to be intensified by the government by increasing equal access to quality formal financial services at affordable costs in accordance with the needs of society in various regions.

During the visit of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Friday (19/4), Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto discussed efforts to encourage the level of financial inclusivity, one of which is through digitalization.

By considering the adequacy of resources owned by the Tony Blair Institute (TBI), it is hoped that it can support these digitalization efforts. “We want to encourage digitalization to be inclusive, so of course we talk about digital infrastructure regarding data centers, Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulations, and cyber security,” said Airlangga.

Furthermore, Airlangga also explained that the two of them also discussed the energy transition, especially regarding the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETPI), Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC), and efforts to realize the energy transition, one of which is through the Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in the capital city. Nusantara (IKN) prepared is 1.2 GigaWatt.

Furthermore, Airlangga and Blair also discussed geopolitical issues which are currently emerging amidst other global uncertainties. The current conflict in the Middle East region is certainly a problem that various countries do not want, so they prefer to refrain.

For Indonesia’s own interests, it is hoped that geopolitical stability will become increasingly conducive so that it can have a better impact, especially on national economic conditions.

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“First, of course, we have to keep the Indo-Pacific region a peaceful region, so that if the Indo-Pacific region becomes a conflict-free region, we can encourage economic growth. “In the future, the Indo-Pacific region will become one of the areas that is of concern to the world, so of course, among the Indo-Pacific region, Indonesia’s position is very strategic, and for this the Tony Blair Institute is ready to help,” concluded Airlangga.

Also accompanying Coordinating Minister Airlangga on this occasion were Deputy for Macroeconomic and Financial Coordination Ferry Irawan, Deputy for Food and Agribusiness Coordination Dida Gardera, Deputy for International Economic Cooperation Coordination Edi Prio Pambudi, and Expert Staff of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Rizal Edwin Manansang and Raden Pardede . (RO/Z-6)

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