Discrimination in the Human Medicine Unit of the UAZ must end: Xerardo Ramírez – LasNoticiasYa!

Zacatecas, Zac.- In the plenary session of the LXIV Legislature, it was approved to urge the head of the Academic Unit, Rosa Martha Covarrubias Carrillo, to carry out an equitable and equal access process for students graduated from that Academic Unit so that they can join the various health institutions of the state in the vacancies available.

This, pointed out the deputy Xerardo Ramírez Muñoz when presenting a Point of Agreement initiative, which was considered urgent and obvious resolution, following evidencing that at least 63 students recently graduated from the Human Medicine Unit of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ ), have been involved in a dynamic of discrimination and lack of attention to their demands by the authorities of the educational institution.

The legislator evidenced that at least at the Fresnillo General Hospital, 18 students will finish their internship on the 31st of this month, and only six available places are being authorized, when there are 12 applicants for that clinical field, which he said is a clear indication that there is something that is not working correctly or at least it makes one think that there is discretion and discrimination in the allocation of these places.

Due to the above, it was also approved to request Rosa Martha Covarrubias Carrillo to enter into a specific agreement with private hospitals that are duly certified by the General Health Council in force at the federal and state levels, to allow the Undergraduate Medical Internship for students. of this degree to avoid being sent to other States. It is also contemplated, to urge the educational authorities of the Unit of Human Medicine and Health Sciences of the BUAZ, to modify the Regulation of Undergraduate Medical Internship of the State of Zacatecas, to eliminate any section that is contrary to human rights of equality and non-discrimination, to allow medical students free access to the clinical fields in which they intend to carry out their internship.

During the discussion at large, Representatives and Representatives Ana Luisa del Muro Garcia, Ernesto Gonzalez Romo, Armando Juarez Gonzalez, Martha Elena Rodriguez Camarillo and Karla Valdez Espinoza participated, all to speak in favor of the Point of Agreement.




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