“Discovery of Largest Cosmic Explosion Ever Observed – Latest News & Updates”

2023-05-12 22:00:53

Astronomers have discovered the largest cosmic explosion ever observed.

The explosion is more than 10 times brighter than any “supernova” (supernova), and three times more than the most glowing tidal disturbance event, during which a star falls into a supermassive black hole, according to British news agency BA Media.

The explosion, known as “AB 2021 LWX”, has now been going on for more than three years, compared to a visible glow that lasts a few months in most “supernova” stars. Astronomers, led by the University of Southampton, believe the explosion was caused by a large gas cloud possibly thousands of times larger than the sun being violently torn apart by a supermassive black hole.

#Astronomers #discover #largest #cosmic #explosion #observed

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