Discovering the Gigantic Galactic Bubble: A Game-Changer in Cosmology

2023-09-14 03:01:00
Hamburger 14 Sep 2023 10:01 AM Share recent news. An international team of researchers led by astronomers from the University of Hawaii In the United States, the first “bubble of galaxies” was discovered, a gigantic structure in the universe. Measuring 1,000 million light years in diameter, it is believed to be a fossil left over from the Big Bang event, a model in cosmology used to explain the origin and evolution of the universe or universe. The research team stated that This galactic bubble, 10,000 times wider than our Milky Way galaxy, is a fossil following the Big Bang, 13 billion years ago, when the universe was born. The galactic bubble is centered regarding 820 million light years from our galaxy. French astrophysicists have revealed that the galactic bubble can be seen as a spherical shell. The center is a cluster of galaxies. The “supercluster” is named “Bootes” (Bootes), while the envelope also contains many other galaxy clusters. The area inside the giant shell is called the Boeotice Void. The discovery confirms a phenomenon first described in 1970 by Canadian cosmologist Jim Peebles. -American which later won the Nobel Prize in Physics He theorized that The ancient universe was made up of hot plasma. Gravitational Turbulence and Radiation causing sound waves called “Baryon Acoustic Oscillations-BAOs” and when sound waves ripple through the plasma They create bubbles, astronomers say This discovery is another step closer to a major change in the field of cosmology. The entire model of the universe may need to be reevaluated. divmargin:0 -15px;@media (max-width:767.98px).css-x9zhmpwidth:100vw;max-width:inherit;margin:30px -15px;]]>
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