Discovering the Fastest Rotating Asteroid Ever: Trajectory and Impact Calculations for Asteroid 2024 BX1 Explained by Physicist Maxime Devogèle

2024-05-13 04:11:00

Physicist Maxime Devogèle, University of Central Florida Revealing the results of trajectory and impact calculations for asteroid 2024 BX1, which exploded above Berlin’s atmosphere. Germany discovered the fastest rotating asteroid ever discovered on January 21. Using a speed of 2.6 seconds and using a forward speed of 50,000 kilometers per hour. The results of this calculation were supported by data from the European Space Agency (ESA) and published in the academic archive arXiv on April 5.

Normally, finding small asteroids heading toward Earth at high speeds can be difficult. and most are discovered shortly before the crash. However, scientists can use orbital data and photographs to calculate historical asteroid identifications.

Asteroid 2024 BX1 was discovered by Hungarian astronomer Krisztián Sárneczky using the Konkoly Observatory in the Mátra mountain range, Hungary, on January 20, before its impact and explosion in Earth’s atmosphere during regarding 1 day. The asteroid structure measures approximately 1 meter in diameter. After the explosion in the atmosphere, it was found that there was no serious impact on Earth.

Technique used to calculate the rotation speed of an asteroid. Researchers used it to adjust the aperture of a telescope in the observatory. In order to clearly see the positions of the stars in the background image and allow the asteroid to move across the image appearing as a streak of light After this, the photos were analyzed to compare the light from the asteroid. In the background, the positions of various stars can be seen. Calculations show that asteroid 2024 BX1 spins on its own 33,000 times per day, or regarding 2.588 seconds per revolution.

The record holder for the fastest rotating asteroid ever discovered is an asteroid named 2020 HS7 discovered in 2020. Scientists have calculated that it has a rotation speed of 2.99 seconds per revolution, with a diameter of 4 to 8 meters or slightly larger than asteroid 2024 BX1. .

Scientists say the rotation of asteroids is caused by a number of factors, such as being pushed around by collisions with smaller asteroids. Smaller asteroids are more likely to spin faster than larger asteroids. In addition to the asteroid 2024 BX1, physicist Maxime Devogèle studied and calculated the rotations of two other asteroids, 2023 CX1 and 2024 EF.

Information source Space, Wikipedia

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