Discovering the Anti-Aging Secrets: The Power of 15-PGDH to Reconnect Nerves and Muscle Fibers

2023-10-13 00:39:38

Researchers at Stanford University discovered that the molecule known as 15-PGDH is linked to the reconnection of nerves and muscle fibers as we age, which may help slow the process of aging symptoms.

This molecule hinders the activity of the enzyme gyrozyme, which is associated with aging. It is estimated that muscular dystrophy affects regarding 30% of people over the age of 80, and scientists can treat it by exploiting the molecule within an innovative treatment mechanism.

When treating mice with a drug that inhibits the molecule 15PGDH, the researchers noted that mice with severed nerves in their leg muscles showed rapid nerve growth, which led to reconnection with the muscles, strengthening them, and restoring their normal function.

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