Discovering Kaunas Äžuolynas Library: A Jewel in the Crown of Global Libraries

This year, as many as sixteen libraries from ten different countries of the world competed for this award. After a long and careful evaluation, the IFLA jury selected four applicants who stood out for their innovative solutions in architecture, sustainability and cultural inclusion.

The Oak Library became one of them, along with Australia’s Yellamundie Library and Gallery and China’s Beijing and North Shenzhen Libraries.

Judging panel chairman Jakob Lærkes (Denmark) says: “The Public Library of the Year Award is designed to recognize role models, and each of the four nominated libraries are shining examples of libraries of the future. It is fascinating to see unique, different approaches to how to respond to the changing needs of users, the increasingly important role of sustainability in building new libraries, as well as different, unique interpretations of how to create cozy reading and learning spaces for local communities. The jury and I believe that each of the four nominated libraries are role models.”

Eriko Ovčarenko / BNS No./Zhuolyno Library

Edita Urbonavičienė, director of the Ėžuolynas library, is happy with the institution’s nomination and hopes that this achievement will inspire other library creators and managers around the world.

“A wonderful assessment and a very honorable nomination to be in the top four in the world alongside Australian and Chinese libraries. Coming from a small country, we faced many challenges and had limited financial opportunities in modernizing a Soviet, dilapidated building. Our secret is a strong vision and belief in what we do. We are creating a library for respite and inspiration, here we invite you to work, study, communicate, discover, get to know and immerse yourself in intellectual adventures and experiences in a completely different way. We are extremely happy and we are waiting for the final results”, says the head of the library.

in 2024 October 7 The winner will be announced and the Public Library of the Year award will be presented at the international conference “Public Libraries and Democracy” in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

This award not only highlights the importance of innovation and cultural value, but also provides an opportunity for libraries to share their success stories with the international community.

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#Kaunas #Äžuolynas #Library #impressive #libraries #world #nominated #prestigious #award #Culture
2024-09-12 18:37:27

Here⁤ are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **Global Recognition for Innovative Libraries: The Public Library of the Year Award**:

Global Recognition for Innovative Libraries: The Public Library of the ⁤Year Award

The Public Library of the Year Award is a prestigious recognition that celebrates innovative libraries around the world.⁤ In 2024, sixteen⁣ libraries from ⁤ten different countries competed for this esteemed award, with four finalists selected for their outstanding contributions ⁣to architecture, sustainability, ⁤and cultural inclusion.

The Four ⁤Nominated Libraries

The Oak Library, Australia’s Yellamundie Library and Gallery, and China’s Beijing and‍ North Shenzhen Libraries were selected as the⁢ top four‌ finalists for the Public Library of the Year Award. ⁤These libraries stood out for their innovative solutions, unique approaches to ‍meeting the changing needs of users, and their commitment to sustainability and cultural inclusion.

A Platform for Role⁢ Models

Judging panel chairman Jakob Lærkes (Denmark) ⁤emphasized that the Public Library of the Year ⁤Award is designed to recognize role models, and each of ⁤the four nominated libraries serves as a shining example of libraries of the future. These libraries demonstrate different⁤ approaches to creating cozy reading ⁤and ⁣learning spaces for local communities, making them ​role models for libraries worldwide.

Inspiring Others

Edita Urbonavičienė, ⁢director of the Ėžuolynas library, expressed her happiness with the institution’s nomination and hopes that this achievement⁣ will ​inspire other library creators and managers around the world. The Ėžuolynas library’s success story is a testament to the power⁣ of innovation and cultural value, demonstrating‍ that even libraries‍ from small countries can achieve‌ great things with limited financial resources.

Announcement of the Winner

The winner of the Public Library of the Year Award will​ be announced on October⁣ 7, 2024, at the international conference ​”Public Libraries and ‍Democracy” in Barcelona,​ Spain. This award not only highlights the importance of innovation and cultural value but also provides an opportunity for libraries to share their success stories with the international community.

Other Library Awards

In addition to the Public Library of the Year Award, there are other initiatives that recognize and celebrate innovation in libraries. For example, the EIFL Public ⁢Library Innovation Awards [1] are​ open to all public and ‌community libraries in developing and‍ transition countries. Library Journal also offers various awards, including the Community​ Impact Prize, Librarian‌ of the Year, and Library of the Year [2].

Celebrating Excellence in Libraries

The Public Library of the Year ⁢Award and ⁣other​ initiatives like​ it celebrate excellence in ⁤libraries,⁣ encouraging innovation, cultural value, and community engagement. By recognizing and sharing ⁣the success stories of libraries ‌worldwide,​ we can inspire ⁢others to strive for excellence and create vibrant community spaces that foster learning, creativity, and growth.

the Public Library of the ​Year Award is a prestigious recognition that celebrates innovation, ‌cultural value, and community engagement in libraries. The four nominated​ libraries demonstrate the power of creativity and⁢ dedication to creating vibrant community spaces that inspire others.⁤ As we look forward to the announcement of the winner, we ⁣celebrate ‍the excellence and​ commitment⁤ of libraries worldwide.

Here are some Possible Asked Questions (PAQs) related to the title “The Prestigious Public Library of the Year Award: Celebrating Innovation and Excellence in Libraries Worldwide”:

The Prestigious Public Library of the Year Award: Celebrating Innovation and Excellence in Libraries Worldwide

The Public Library of the Year Award is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon libraries that exhibit innovative solutions in architecture, sustainability, and cultural inclusion. This year, sixteen libraries from ten different countries competed for the coveted title, with four exceptional libraries making it to the final round. The Oak Library, Yellamundie Library and Gallery from Australia, and Beijing and North Shenzhen Libraries from China are the nominees vying for the top spot.

The Significance of the Public Library of the Year Award

According to Jakob Lærkes, chairman of the judging panel, “The Public Library of the Year Award is designed to recognize role models, and each of the four nominated libraries are shining examples of libraries of the future”[[[2]]. This award not only highlights the importance of innovation and cultural value but also provides an opportunity for libraries to share their success stories with the international community.

A Platform for Libraries to Share Their Success Stories

The Public Library of the Year Award is presented by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) with the aim of honoring new public libraries that have made a significant impact on their communities[[[2]]. The award is a testament to the crucial role libraries play in promoting literacy, education, and community development.

EIFL Public Library Innovation Awards: Another Prestigious Recognition

In addition to the Public Library of the Year Award, the Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) also presents the EIFL Public Library Innovation Awards, which recognize innovative services and activities of public libraries in developing and transition countries[[[1]]. This award aims to promote innovation, creativity, and community engagement in public libraries worldwide.

Library Journal’s Awards: Celebrating Excellence in Libraries

Library Journal, a leading publication in the library industry, also presents various awards to recognize excellence in libraries, including the Library of the Year Award, Best Small Library, and Movers & Shakers [[3]]. These awards acknowledge the outstanding achievements of libraries and librarians who have made a significant impact on their communities.

The Final Winner to be Announced

The winner of the Public Library of the Year Award will be announced on October 7, 2024, at the international conference “Public Libraries and Democracy” in Barcelona, Spain. The Ėžuolynas library, one of the nominees, is excited about the opportunity to inspire other library creators and managers around the world with their innovative approach to library services.

the Public Library of the Year Award is a prestigious recognition that celebrates innovation, excellence, and community engagement in libraries worldwide. The award provides a platform for libraries to share their success stories, inspiring others to strive for excellence in library services.







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