“Discover the Weight Loss Benefits of Peanuts and How They Boost Brain Health – Expert Insights”

2023-04-27 11:48:45

01:39 PM

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Books – Saber Najah

Dr. Jamal Shaaban, former dean of the National Heart Institute, said that peanuts can be added in moderation to the diet for those looking to lose weight.

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Shaaban explained that peanuts are characterized by their high protein content as well as healthy unsaturated fats, which are good nutrients for weight loss, adding that it also gives a feeling of satiety, and thus prevents a person from overeating.

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The former dean of the National Heart Institute noted that, in addition, the protein reduces the level of ghrelin – the hunger hormone – and increases the production of peptide YY – the hormone responsible for the feeling of satiety.

Shaaban added that peanuts have some other benefits, pointing out that it makes the brain focus stronger and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, explaining that the brain needs certain nutrients to support its health, such as vitamin B1, niacin and folic acid, and these elements are available in peanuts.

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Shaaban emphasized that peanuts can help avoid age-related cognitive decline and diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, noting that peanuts are loaded with a biologically active ingredient called resveratrol, which improves cognitive and verbal abilities.

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