Discover the Unusual Ghent Bar with a Shoe Hostage Challenge and Iconic Beer

2023-08-16 16:03:00

The British newspaper The Guardian considers it one of the best bars in the world, just that! However, this Ghent bar has a most unusual feature.

Indeed, at Dulle Griet, the server takes one of two shoes hostage once morest a MAX. A 1.2 liter beer, which must be finished to recover your property.

The reason? Renowned for its medieval decor and impressive beer offering, this Belgian bar offers one of the region’s most iconic beers. All in a gigantic boot-shaped glass. The latter is very popular with tourists. Sometimes a little too much, since the glass often disappears following consumption.

The managers have therefore taken a radical decision so that it does not happen once more. To overcome this situation, it was therefore decided to resort to strong measures. If you wish to drink the MAX, you will need to donate one of your shoes which will be stored in a basket. The staff then rings the bell and when you have finished the 1.2 liters of beer, your good will be yours.

Something to deter thieves!

#careful #Belgian #bar #dont #finish #beer #wont #shoes

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