Discover the Top Hot Drinks to Lower Cholesterol and Control High Blood Pressure: Insights from Dr. Tim Bond of the UK Tea Advisory Panel

2023-07-10 23:56:30

Al Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Tim Bond of the UK Tea Advisory Panel has revealed three “best” hot drinks that can lower cholesterol and control high blood pressure.

black tea

Black tea is a staple, said Dr Tim Bond, who offers more than a pleasant followingtaste of caffeine, and contains plant compounds, including thearubigins and theaflavins, which have been shown to lower blood pressure. According to the British newspaper Express.

Drinking three to four cups a day can do the trick and reduce both cholesterol and blood pressure.

Green tea

Dr. Bond added: Green tea lowers blood pressure but to a lesser degree than black tea and it does so because of its antioxidant content with antioxidants by acting on blood vessels through potassium ion channels, which causes blood vessels to dilate.

Hibiscus tea

Dr. Bond explained: “A meta-analysis of 22 studies conducted by the Tea Advisory Committee found that two to three cups of hibiscus tea each day may reduce and help prevent blood pressure.

He confirmed, however, that both green tea and hibiscus have been previously shown to lower “bad” cholesterol while raising “good” cholesterol levels.

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