Discover the Thrilling New Season at the Lithuanian National Drama Theater!

As LNDT welcomes its 85th creative season, there will be no shortage of innovations.

As LNDT artistic director Kamilė Gudmonaitė said, the theater welcomes the season with the slogan “Wake up from reality”.

For LNDT artistic director Egle Švedkauskaitei, these words mean a certain escape from her daily worries, an opportunity to explore herself, so the audience is waiting for 6 premieres, which are united by a common theme – the search for the causality of life’s phenomena and the considered origin of things.

What premieres are waiting for you in the fall?

September 13 The season will begin in the Great Hall with a play by Polish director Ł. Twarkowski „Quanta“. The performance uses quantum physics, through the elements of which the audience is encouraged to think differently about a person, changing the prevailing deterministic perception of the world.

As the director tells us, “Quanta” research on quantum physics lasted more than a year, delving into the biographies of physicists, so it was necessary to try many wrong paths, take wrong turns and go back and start again.

Nevertheless, according to Ł. Twarkowski, in the course of the research he realized that the topic of new civilizations, possible alien abductions is necessary: ​​”In this way, we discovered the duo of physicists Ettore Majorana and Werner Heisenberg, who never met in 1938, but we created history, in which they meet in a hotel.”

<img alt="Presentation of the 85th season of the Lithuanian National Drama Theater by Greta Skaraitienes/BNS photo” rel=”content-image” src=”” style=”width: auto; height: auto;”/>

Presentation of the 85th season of the Lithuanian National Drama Theater by Greta Skaraitienes/BNS photo

In October, a play directed by Slovenian director Jernejaus Lorenci based on the novel by Albert Camus, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, will be shown in the New Hall. “Alien”. True, J. Lorenci says that not only the novel was important for the performance, but also the film “Kryčios Anatomy”.

According to the director, the film was relevant to only one part of the novel: “The most important thing for me in that film was how the state invades the intimate life of a person through the court.”

The director reasons that nowadays, when everyone has an opinion about everything, when everything becomes black and white, right and wrong, it is difficult to decide what position to take. Such thoughts were also in his mind while creating the play. The premiere of the show is expected October 3

Photo by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS/Jernejus Lorenci

October 24 A play created by LNDT artistic director E. Švedkauskaitė will be presented in the small hall “STAND-UP for meaning and meaninglessness” (by Birutė Kapustinskaitė), in which difficult topics will be explored during one stand-up comedy act.

As E.Švedkauskaitė says, in her work she tries to distance herself from radical positions and look at the nuances of a specific situation: “With this performance, I want to enter into the relationship of one family, a mother and a son who lost their father. How the two of them drift away from the anger, hurt, pain that has accumulated during the mourning period and how they come back to each other.”

Vitalija Mockevičiūtė will play the mother, Karolis Kasperavičius the son.

Greta Skaraitien/BNS photo/Eglė Švedkauskaitė

Greta Skaraitien/BNS photo/Eglė Švedkauskaitė

The autumn season will end with the performance of Lithuanian director Uršulė Bartoševičiūtė “Anatomy of Suicide” (play by Alice Birch) premiering in the New Hall.

It analyzes women’s traumatic suicide experiences, which are passed down from generation to generation – from grandmother to daughter, from daughter to granddaughter. According to the director, theater is a delayed art, but now existential questions are accessible, returning to the border of death and life.

U. Bartoševičiūtė explains that the choice of the play was a matter of finding the middle ground between the voice of the heart and the mind: “I tried to look for other works with my mind, but my heart kept pulling me back to “Anatomy of Suicide”. The suicide theme of the two premieres is a certain echo, a certain response to the war in Ukraine and the war in Gaza.”

It will be possible to see the premiere of U. Bartoševičiūtė’s play November 28

Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Uršulė Bartoševičiūtė

Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Uršulė Bartoševičiūtė

Theater spring news

After the New Year, LNDT viewers will be waiting for two more news. in 2025 march the premiere of the Polish director Anna Smolar will reach the audience “Birds”. In the new hall, the performance “Birds” will delve deeper into the relationship with a narcissistic personality. As E. Švedkauskaitė tells about the upcoming spring premiere, the situation in the performance will revolve around the filming location of Alfred Hitchcock’s film “Birds”, where actress Tippi Hedren works with him, and when she stops working with him, the actress seems to disappear from the world of cinema.

The last premiere of the season is expected at the beginning of April. LNDT artistic director Antanas Obcarskas will make his debut on the Big Stage with a performance based on the play by Lauryns Adomaitis “Fermentation”.

In the premiere of art director A.Obcarskas, we will see what would happen if the good bacteria stopped working for people and started demanding their rights.

According to the director, the performance will be of the comedy genre: “But this is a plot play about the beginning of human life, existence. And in those simple ways, through such an easier genre, to try to understand the current state of confusion is the closest way for me.” According to A. Obcarsko, the plot is very simple: Paris, the store “Fermentuojame susvo”, the voices of bacteria appeared at its long-time owner, wanting to end their years of exploitation. According to the director, this is a comedy about maximum empathy and how empathetic we can be to any life form that exists.

Photo by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS/Antanas Obscarskas

Photo by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS/Antanas Obscarskas

At the end of the presentation of LNDT’s 85th season, artistic director K. Gudmonaitė notes once again that this season has several clear denominators – we choose to ask, understand, dig deeper, and invite you to come to the theater to experience, because this season tries to give the audience an experience.

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#season #Lithuanian #National #Drama #Theater #performances #await #Culture
2024-09-12 00:39:55

Here are some potential “People Also ⁤Ask” questions related to the title **”LNDT’s 85th Creative Season: Exploring the Causality of Life’s Phenomena”**:

LNDT’s​ 85th Creative Season: Exploring the ​Causality of Life’s Phenomena

As the ​Lithuanian National Drama Theater (LNDT) welcomes its 85th⁣ creative ⁢season,⁤ theater enthusiasts can expect a‌ plethora of innovations and thought-provoking performances. Under the‌ artistic direction of Kamilė Gudmonaitė and Egle Švedkauskaite, the‍ theater ⁣is set to embark on a theme of searching for⁤ the causality of life’s phenomena and exploring⁢ the origin⁣ of things.

Fall Premieres: Exploring Quantum Physics, Alienation,⁤ and Human Relationships

The season will kick off⁤ on September 13 with the‌ play “Quanta” by Polish director‍ Ł. Twarkowski in the Great Hall. This performance delves into the realm⁢ of quantum physics, encouraging the audience to think differently about the world and its deterministic perception. The director spent over a⁢ year researching quantum⁤ physics, exploring the biographies ⁢of physicists and discovering new historical events.

In⁢ October, a play ⁤directed by Slovenian director Jernejaus Lorenci will be shown in ‌the New Hall, based on the novel‌ by Albert Camus, winner of the Nobel Prize ​in Literature.⁢ “Alien” ‌explores the theme of alienation, questioning how the state invades‍ the ⁣intimate life⁣ of a person through the court. The play is expected to premiere on October 3.

On October 24, a play ‌created by LNDT artistic⁢ director E. Švedkauskaitė will⁤ be presented in the small hall, titled “STAND-UP‍ for‌ meaning and meaninglessness” ⁤(by Birutė Kapustinskaitė).⁤ This performance explores ⁣difficult topics through a ⁣stand-up comedy act, delving into‌ the nuances of human relationships and the complexities of grief.

A Season of Innovation and Exploration

The LNDT’s 85th creative season promises to⁢ be a thrilling ride of exploration and innovation, with six premieres that are sure ‍to leave audiences pondering the mysteries of life. From quantum physics to alienation and ‍human relationships, each performance is carefully crafted to challenge and engage the audience.

As the LNDT artistic



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