2023-07-14 06:21:46
Currently, having another nationality might not be so difficult, especially if you have certain last names; with the aim of wanting to have the Spanish passport. Having this document can greatly help those who need to emigrate, because according to the Passport Index website, along with other countries in the European Union, this would be the second most powerful passport.
The document allows entry to 131 countries without the need for a visa (as in the United States); 44 with a permit at the border; already 23, with a previously managed visa:
A: Abraham, Acevedo, Acosta, Aguado, Aguiar, Aguilar, Alarcón, Alba, Aldana, Alcalá, Alegre, Alfonso, Alfaro, Almeida, Alonso, Álvarez, Amigo, Amado, Amaya, Aranda. B: Baltasar, Báez, Barral, Barrios, Beato, Benavente, Benítez, Bernal, Bravo, Bueno, Bermejo.C: Cabrera, Calvo, Camacho, Campo, Cantos, Carrasco, Carrillo, Carvajal, Castellanos.D: Delgado, Diego, Díez, Díaz, Duque, Domínguez, Durán, Dorado, Duarte.E: Enrique, Enríquez, Espejo, Esperanza, Espinosa, Escudero, Esteban.F: Fajardo, Fernández, Ferrer, Ferrero, Figueroa, Flores, Fuentes, Fuertes.G: Gálvez, García, Gato, Garzón, Gil, Gimeno, Giménez, Gómez, Granado, González, Gutiérrez.H: Haro, Henríquez, Hernández, Heredia, Holgado, Herrera, Huerta, Hurtado.I: Ibáñez, Israel, Izquierdo. J Jaén, Jiménez, Jimeno, Jorge, Juárez, Julián, Lázaro.L: Leal, Lara, Larios, Leiva, León, Lima, Linares, Lobato, Lobo, López, Lorca, Lorenzo.M: Madrid, Madrigal, Macías, Machado , Manuel, Márquez, Marchena, Marcos, Martínez, Marín.N: Nájera, Navarro, Navas, Nieto, Núñez.O: Ocampo, Ochoa, Olivos, Olmos, Oliva, Ordóñez, Olivares, Orellana, Ortega, Ortiz.P: Pacheco , Padilla, Palma, Palomino, Pardo, Paredes, Couple, Parra, Paz, Pascual, Pedraza, Peña, Pérez.Q: Quirós, Quemada.R: Ramírez, Ramos, Real, King, Queen, Ribera, Ricardo, Rivero, Robles , Roca, Rivas, Rodríguez, Ruiz.S: Salgado, Salinas, Salas, Salazar, Salcedo, Salvador, Sánchez, Sancho, Serra, Serrano, Sierra, Silva.T: Talavera, Toledo, Torre, Torres, Trigo.U: Úbeda , Uría, Urrutia.V: Valero, Valle, Vara, Varela, Vargas, Vázquez, Vega, Velázquez, Vera, Vergara, Villanueva, Vidal.Z: Zalazar, Zaragoza, Zúñiga.
Spanish nationality entails a series of benefits and rights for those who possess it. Firstly, Spanish citizens have the right to the full protection of the Spanish State, which implies access to quality public services, such as education, health and social security. In addition, they have the right to participate in the Spanish political system, such as voting in elections and standing as candidates for public office.
Another important benefit is the free movement and residence in the territory of Spain and in other countries of the European Union. As citizens of the European Union, Spaniards can live, work and study in any Member State without visa restrictions or work permits. This provides extensive employment and education opportunities throughout the European Union.
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