Discover the Power of Impedancemetry in Alzheimer’s Research

2023-08-04 14:45:07

Impedancemetry tells us everything

To go further in their investigations, the scientists conducted the survey among 21,982 volunteers with Alzheimer’s disease and 41,944 people without Alzheimer’s disease. Thanks to a tool called impedancemetry, an electric current made it possible to assess the amount of muscle and fat mass in the arms and legs of the participants. Results, “the large amounts of muscle mass were associated with a reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s, modest but statistically robust”, continues Professor Daghlas.

The same test was then carried out at the level of the trunk and the waist. And an assessment of cognitive abilities was also carried out. Conclusion: lean muscle mass was correlated with higher cognitive levels, unlike fat mass which was associated with low scores on this point.

Conclusive results, “but we must go further in our research before disseminating these messages in public health recommendations”, notes Professor Daghlas. In patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease at a very early stage, “we still have to determine precisely following what age and from what degree of impairment changes in muscle mass no longer have any effects on slowing down the disease.

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