Discover the Netherlands’ 100 Most Groundbreaking SMEs!

The Chamber of Commerce has announced the 100 most innovative SME companies in the Netherlands, the KVK Innovation Top 100 edition 2024. Noord-Holland is the leader with 26 companies, followed by Zuid-Holland with 24 companies and Utrecht with 13 companies. New in this 19th edition is that entrepreneurs could register for one of five categories: Circular Economy, Energy Transition, Labor Market and Society, Health and Care or Food, Water and Infrastructure.

Most innovative

During the KVK Innovation Top 100 event on Saturday 16 November in Rotterdam Ahoy, the winners per category (gold, silver and bronze) will be presented by the professional jury. KVK will also announce which entrepreneur may call himself the most innovative SME company in the Netherlands and will take over from Ferr-Tech from Meppel. The Dutch public has an influence on the final result. Voting for one of the 100 finalists is possible until 15 October.

Cast your vote now!

More than 225 entries

Panels of innovation experts made the selection from over 225 entries for a listing in the annual KVK Innovation Top 100. All nominations were assessed on impact for the sector and society, originality, availability, realised turnover and growth potential. The KVK Innovation Top 100 deliberately does not have a (cash) prize attached to it, the winners receive an award. The power of the initiative is to show what the Dutch SME is capable of.

Jury KVK Innovation Top 100

This year, the main jury will determine who will be the overall winner of the KVK Innovation Top 100. In addition, there will be a jury panel per category that, together with the public, will determine the top 3 of that category:

  • Folkert van der Molen, Various sustainable initiatives from Van der Molen EIS, Sustainable Entrepreneur
  • Jonica de Bruijn, REWIN West-Brabant, Program Manager Plant-based Entrepreneurship
  • Mark Suurbier, Combekk, Founder
  • Wim Joosten, Alkmaar Region, Energy Innovation Program Manager
  • Guido Dalessi, Elestor, CEO

Labor Market & Society

  • Henk van Dijk, Province of North Brabant, Senior Policy Advisor
  • Helen Mes, HX Work, Founder
  • Niels Achtereekte, Emerce, Retail Trends and/MT Sprout, Journalist

Food, water & infrastructure

  • Johan Raap, COSUN, Environmental Technologist
  • Guus Peters, Guus Peters Communication, Journalist
  • Linze Dijkstra, Health Innovations, Partner
  • Lisanne Blue, River Biomedics, Co-Founder & Thuja Capita, Associate
  • Pierre de Winter, BSL Media & Learning, Editor-in-Chief/Publisher

Register now for the free event on November 16.

Awards Circular Economy Sustainability/CSR professionals Climate & Energy Agriculture & Food

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title “KVK Innovation Top ⁢100: The Netherlands’ Most Innovative SMEs”:

KVK‍ Innovation Top 100: The Netherlands’ Most Innovative SMEs

The Chamber of Commerce has​ announced the 100 most innovative SME companies in the Netherlands, as part of the 19th edition of the⁢ KVK Innovation Top 100. This prestigious list recognizes the achievements of small ⁣and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are driving innovation and growth in the country.

Regional ⁣Breakdown

This year’s edition saw Noord-Holland leading the pack with ‌26 companies, followed closely by Zuid-Holland with 24 companies,‍ and Utrecht ‍with 13 companies. The KVK‌ Innovation ‍Top 100 is a ⁣testament to the Netherlands’ ⁢thriving startup ecosystem ⁢and the creativity of its entrepreneurs.

New Categories

For the⁣ first time, entrepreneurs could register for one of five categories: Circular Economy, Energy Transition, Labor Market⁢ and Society, Health and Care, or Food, Water ⁤and Infrastructure. This move aims to encourage innovation⁤ in ⁢key sectors that are crucial to the country’s ⁢economic‍ growth⁣ and sustainability.

Winners and Jury

The winners per category will be presented during the⁤ KVK Innovation Top 100 event⁣ on Saturday, 16 November, at Rotterdam Ahoy. A professional jury will announce the overall winner, who will succeed Ferr-Tech from Meppel as⁤ the most⁤ innovative SME company in the‍ Netherlands. The public also ‍has a say in ⁤the final result, with voting open until 15⁤ October.

Jury Members

This year’s jury comprises experts from various fields, including sustainable entrepreneurship, energy innovation, and labor market and society. Some notable jury members include Folkert van der Molen, Jonica de Bruijn, and Mark Suurbier, among others. Their expertise will help identify the‍ most innovative companies in each category.

More than ​225 Entries

The KVK Innovation Top 100 received ⁢over 225 entries, which were assessed based⁣ on impact,⁤ originality, availability, realized turnover, and growth potential. The initiative is designed to showcase the capabilities of Dutch SMEs,‍ rather than offering a cash prize. The ⁣winners will ⁤receive an award, and the recognition will help them gain visibility and attract investors.

About KVK Innovation Top 100

The KVK Innovation Top 100 is an annual‌ initiative that celebrates innovation and entrepreneurship in the Netherlands. In ‌its 19th edition, the program has become a benchmark for innovative SMEs, encouraging them to push boundaries and drive​ growth in their respective sectors.

Supporting Innovation

As Crdl, a company selected for the KVK Innovatie Top 100 [[1]],‌ stated, “We are proud to be part of this initiative that recognizes ⁤innovation and entrepreneurship in ​the Netherlands.” The KVK Innovation Top 100 is a testament to the country’s commitment to supporting innovative SMEs and promoting sustainable growth.

Get Involved

The public can ​still cast their vote for one of ⁢the ⁣100 finalists until 15 October.‌ To vote, visit the KVK Innovation Top 100 website [[2]]. The winners will be announced on 16 November at the Rotterdam Ahoy event.

the KVK Innovation Top 100 is a celebration of innovation‍ and entrepreneurship ‌in the Netherlands. ‌It recognizes the achievements of SMEs that are⁤ driving growth, sustainability, and creativity in various sectors. By supporting innovative SMEs, the Netherlands is positioning itself as a hub for entrepreneurship and innovation in‌ Europe.





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Here are some PAA related questions for the title “The Netherlands’ Most Innovative SMEs: KVK Innovation Top 100 Edition 2024”:

The Netherlands’ Most Innovative SMEs: KVK Innovation Top 100 Edition 2024

The Chamber of Commerce has announced the 100 most innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Netherlands, marking the 19th edition of the KVK Innovation Top 100. This year, entrepreneurs could register for one of five categories: Circular Economy, Energy Transition, Labor Market and Society, Health and Care, or Food, Water and Infrastructure. Noord-Holland takes the lead with 26 companies, followed by Zuid-Holland with 24 companies and Utrecht with 13 companies.

The Most Innovative SMEs

The KVK Innovation Top 100 is an annual ranking of the most innovative SMEs in the Netherlands, showcasing the country’s innovation capabilities. According to [2], the initiative aims to demonstrate what the Dutch SME sector is capable of. The winners will be presented at the KVK Innovation Top 100 event on Saturday, 16 November, in Rotterdam Ahoy.

More than 225 Entries

Panels of innovation experts selected the top 100 SMEs from over 225 entries. The nominees were assessed based on their impact on the sector and society, originality, availability, realized turnover, and growth potential. As stated in [1], the KVK Innovation Top 100 does not offer a cash prize, but instead, awards the winners with recognition for their innovative achievements.

Jury KVK Innovation Top 100

This year, a main jury will determine the overall winner of the KVK Innovation Top 100. Additionally, a jury panel will be designated for each category to determine the top three winners in that category, along with the public’s vote. The jury members include experts in their respective fields, such as Folkert van der Molen, Sustainable Entrepreneur, and Guido Dalessi, CEO of Elestor.

Categories and Jury Members

The KVK Innovation Top 100 features five categories, each with its own jury panel:

Labor Market and Society: Henk van Dijk, Province of North Brabant, Senior Policy Advisor; Helen Mes, HX Work, Founder; and Niels Achtereekte, Emerce, Retail Trends and Journalist.

Food, Water, and Infrastructure: Johan Raap, COSUN, Environmental Technologist; and Guus Peters, Guus Peters Communication, Journalist.

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title “KVK Innovation Top 100: The Netherlands’ Most Innovative SMEs”

What is the KVK Innovation Top 100?

The KVK Innovation Top 100 is an annual ranking of the most



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