Discover the Medicinal Properties of Sea Cucumbers to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

2023-06-07 15:15:00

In Asia, the sea ​​cucumbers or sea cucumbers have long been used in the treatment of different diseases thanks to their medicinal properties. Researchers from the University of South Australia wanted to study the benefits of these animals on human health. They did research to see if the active ingredients in sea cucumbers might help prevent type 2 diabetes. The results showed that these active ingredients might delay the onset of this disease and reduce complications.

Sea cucumbers are known for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, healing and anti-cancer properties. Previous studies have also shown that they can thin the blood and help lower blood pressure.


An article describing the study was recently published in the journal Institute of Food Science and Technology.

Sea cucumbers as AGE inhibitors

In a process called glycationthe sugars in the bloodstream bind to proteins or fats and produce advanced glycation end products or AGEs. When they find themselves in high amounts in the bodyAGEs are associated with many diseases such as kidney failure, heart disease or Alzheimer’s disease. THE risks are higher for people with diabetes because they can produce and accumulate too much AGE in their body.

According to the explanations of Permal Deoco-author of the study, the accumulation of AGEs is associated with the complications of type 2 diabetes, therefore, preventing this accumulation might contribute to the reduction of these complications. According to the scientist, they wanted to study the bioactive compounds in sea cucumbers as AGE inhibitors because of their therapeutic properties.

Results vary depending on method of preparation

During the study, the researchers used the species Sea cucumber for the experiments. After cooking, the sea cucumbers were treated with three different ways. Some have been sun-dried without saltothers sun-dried with saltand the rest was sun-dried and smoked. All the preparations were then transformed into powder. Collagen from sea cucumbers has been added to each of them.

The researchers noted that the results obtained varied according to the way from which the sea cucumbers were prepared. In fact, sea cucumbers sun-dried, salted and added with collagen gave the best result in terms of AGE inhibition. The preparation was able to reduce a series of sugar-related metabolites, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes.

“These results provide strong evidence to suggest that sea cucumbers might be developed as a functional food product to help fight the onset of diabetes and its complications.”said Deo.

SOURCE: New Atlas

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