Discover the Japanese Breathing Trick for Weight Loss and Digestion Optimization

2023-12-29 11:45:00

A new trick should help with weight loss: the right breathing technique. The new trend from Japan says that breathing properly can be a great diet helper. All information about losing weight with the “Japan trick” can be found here!

The “Japan trick” – breathing correctly while dieting

We breathe in and out an average of 23,000 times a day – this usually happens unconsciously. Due to the vital function of breathing, there are numerous studies that have examined this topic. Scientists have already well researched the connection between breathing and various bodily functions and emotions. Every person has an individual one Breathing manneron the basis of which conclusions can be drawn health status can be drawn. For example, some studies have found that shallow and hectic breathing can increase blood pressure and cardiac output, which in turn can lead to difficulty concentrating and headaches. If we breathe correctly, i.e. take conscious, deep breaths, this gives the body additional breaks to regenerate. This allows it to better build up energy reserves and repair cell damage.

The Japanese trick is about influencing digestion using a special breathing technique. Through the so-called “Long-Breath-Methode” The aim is to keep appetite under control and optimize overall food utilization. At the same time, the straightening of the body stimulates diaphragmatic breathing, which lowers blood pressure, has a positive effect on circulation and slightly shifts the organs in the abdominal area downwards. The latter is also said to support intestinal function.

This trend from Japan is also finding more and more fans in Germany. Originally supposed to be the Japanese actor Miki Ryosuke discovered the trick by accident. He followed his doctor’s instructions: He performed a specific breathing exercise for two to five minutes every day to relieve his back pain. But to his surprise, the breathing exercise not only helped with his pain – as a positive side effect, he noticed that he had lost around 13 kilograms in weight and a full twelve centimeters in circumference within seven weeks.

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Breathing technique for weight loss – does it work?

The long-breath method offers the advantage that no additional sports equipment or previous knowledge is required to carry it out and it only two to five minutes must be repeated for a long time. However, in order to successfully lose weight and achieve a flat stomach, it is necessary to precisely carry out each of the following four steps:

  • Step: For the basic position, stand upright in a slight lunge.
  • Step: Tense your buttocks and shift your weight to your back foot.
  • Step: Inhale deeply through your nose for three seconds while simultaneously raising your arms forward and up over your head.
  • Step: Then, exhale forcefully through your mouth for seven seconds, forming your lips into a small “O” shape and puffing out your cheeks. Try to tense your entire body muscles while doing this. At the same time, lower your arms halfway to your sides.
  • Repeat the third and fourth steps for at least two minutes. The longer you practice the breathing technique, the better results you can achieve.

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    By combining the breathing exercise and simultaneously tensing the entire body, a variety of… muscle groups required. On the one hand, the transversus abdominis muscle, the deepest lateral muscle of the front abdominal wall, is trained, while at the same time the entire body muscles are used. The effect can be achieved by a noisy exhalation be reinforced. Maintaining body tension as well as conscious and targeted breathing also have positive effects on the internal organs. However, beginners should start slowly, as exhaling heavily can quickly make you dizzy.

    Long Breath Diet: This is how the Japanese breathing technique works

    How can such a simple breathing technique lead to weight loss? Ryosuke explains it like this: The fat cells present in our body are broken down by the oxygen we breathe in Carbon dioxide and Water converted. The carbon dioxide is released when you exhale while the water is metabolized. In this way, the fat seems to practically disappear as it is excreted from our body through breathing. Note, however, that breathing alone typically cannot convert fat cells.

    The long-breath diet can also help reduce stress and thus counteract excessive food intake. We often eat more when we are stressed – especially more unhealthy foods such as sweets or fatty foods. The stress hormone cortisol increases blood sugar levels and ghrelin levels. The “Hungerhormon” Ghrelin has an appetite-stimulating effect, slows down metabolism and inhibits fat burning. To regulate the state of stress, the body requires more energy and we get cravings for salty fast food and sugary foods as they provide quick energy. The breathing exercise reduces stress and therefore prevents cravings.

    However, there are currently no scientific studies proving the effectiveness of the “Japan trick”. However, many people report positive weight loss results and overall improved health. Through conscious breathing we get new energy and our performance is increased. However, it is important to emphasize that breathing techniques alone are not enough to successfully lose weight. A healthy diet and adequate sleep and exercise remain essential to achieve long-term results. But you can use the “Japan trick”. complementary exercise to your fitness program try.

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