Discover the Incredibly Dense Planet TOI-1853b: Sorae’s Space Image

2023-11-25 13:04:36

[SAPOD]Today’s “Space Image”. We introduce characteristic images introduced by sorae in the past, attractive images released by space agencies of various countries, and images submitted by space astronomy fans and experts. (There is a link to the original article at the end of the article) (Source: sorae portal site to the universe) SourceImage Credit: Luca Naponiellosorae – “Incredibly” high-density planet “TOI-1853b” discovered This is sorae This is the “Illustrated drawing of the extrasolar planet TOI-1853b” introduced in the article on September 10, 2023. TOI-1853b revolves around the K-type main sequence star TOI-1853, located approximately 540 light-years away in the constellation Bootes, in an orbit so small that it makes one revolution every 1.24 days. Therefore, the surface temperature of TOI-1853b is estimated to reach a high temperature of 1200℃. In addition, TOI-1853b’s diameter is 3.46±0.08 times that of Earth and approximately 90% that of Neptune, and it is classified as “Hot Neptune”, which means “hot Neptune”. The research team investigated the mass of TOI-1853b and found that it is 73.2 ± 2.7 times the mass of Earth. This is about 4.3 times the size of Neptune, and almost twice the size of the ice giant planets discovered so far. Rather, its size is close to that of the gas giant Saturn (approximately 95.2 times the size of Earth), and it is located almost in the center of the Hot Neptune Desert. Therefore, TOI-1853b is an incredibly dense planet with an average density of 9.7±0.8 g/cm3.Read original article
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