“Discover the Health Benefits of Oats and How to Make Delicious Oatmeal Drinks”

2023-05-12 19:42:29

modern life

Among all cereals, oats are considered to contain the most vitamins and minerals.


According to the Portuguese portal for health, nutrition and well-being, your health, “Oat fibers serve the beneficial bacteria in the intestine, promoting the balance of the intestinal flora, improving the symptoms of diarrhea and some diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome.”

Therefore, oats become a staple food that people should add to their diet, considering its health benefits.

As for oats, this cereal can be consumed in different ways and one of them is in water. Among its many advantages, according to the portal Gastrolab, It is that it helps clean the intestinal canal, improves digestive function and helps expel toxins from the body.

They also highlight in the previously mentioned portal that oatmeal water contributes to weight loss due to its satiating effect.

By the way, the World Health Organization (WHO) points out that oat consumption should vary between 25 and 30 grams per day, which is equivalent to three or four tablespoons.

How to make oatmeal water to deflate the stomach?

A study published in National Center for Biotechnology Information indicó que oatmeal provides satiety to the body.

However, if you add lemon, a fruit rich in vitamin C, with properties that help purify the body, improve digestion and speed up metabolism, benefiting fat burning, which makes it the ideal complement to reduce inflammation stomach and lose weight.

  • 2 tablespoons of whole oat bran.
  • 2 sliced ​​lemons.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • Mint leaves.
  • Place the liter of water in a jug, add the two tablespoons of oats and cut the lemon into slices.
  • Let rest for at least two hours and add a few mint leaves for a better flavor.
  • It is recommended to consume this drink throughout the day and the second week you will begin to notice results.

Oatmeal, apple and almond smoothie

  • A cup of oats.
  • One green apple cut into cubes.
  • A teaspoon of honey.
  • A tablespoon of ground flaxseeds.
  • Put all the ingredients in the blender and beat for a maximum of two minutes, until the liquid is quite creamy.
  • Take preferably in the morning and before going to work.
  • This smoothie will generate a great feeling of satiety.

Oatmeal and aloe vera smoothie

  • 1 medium leaf of aloe vera.
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats.
  • The juice of a lemon.
  • A small spoonful of liquid sweetener can be added. This last ingredient is optional.
  • Wash and cut the aloe vera in order to remove its inner gel, add it to the blender along with the lemon juice and oats.
  • Blend in a blender until creamy, serve and add sweetener to make it taste sweet.

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#clean #intestinal #canal



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