Discover the Health Benefits of Black Pepper: From Digestive Health to Cancer Prevention

2023-09-30 06:18:02

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Black pepper is one of the most common spices in the world. It is used in a variety of dishes, and is distinguished by its hot and pungent taste, in addition to its distinctive flavour.

The health benefits of black pepper include:

1. Improves the health of the digestive system: Black pepper stimulates digestive juices and enzymes, and then enhances the digestion process, which may enhance the body’s ability to digest food. It also has a positive effect on pancreatic enzymes as well, which benefits the digestive process in general, and has carminative properties. It helps relieve stomach gas and flatulence.

2. Prevents cancer: The piperine found in black pepper prevents cancer and also increases the absorption of other nutrients such as selenium, curcumin, beta-carotene, and B vitamins in the intestine, which are vital nutrients for intestinal health and cancer prevention.

3. Lowers blood pressure: The piperine contained in it lowers blood pressure.

4. Promotes weight loss: The piperine in black pepper, the same compound that makes you sneeze, also fights the formation of fat cells, which pushes you towards achieving your weight loss goals, and it also prevents the formation of fat cells.

5. Relieves colds and coughs: Pepper is known to stimulate blood circulation and mucus flow, and when combined with honey, the effect is enhanced as honey acts as a natural cough suppressant.

6. Fights infections: The piperine found in black pepper helps prevent infection and the spread of disease.

7. Antioxidant benefits: Antioxidants fight disease-causing free radicals and boost immunity.

8. Improves oral health: It helps relieve toothache and other mouth infections, due to the antibacterial properties of piperine, and it also has anti-inflammatory properties that help treat gingivitis.

9. Promotes brain health: Black pepper has significant effects on brain health, as the piperine in pepper inhibits one enzyme that breaks down serotonin, which is the calming neurotransmitter. This enzyme also deteriorates the work of another hormone called melatonin, which regulates the sleep or wake cycle. .

10. Improves fertility in men: Pepper plays an important role in improving men’s fertility, and it is known to increase testosterone levels because it is rich in zinc and magnesium, which are two important minerals for male sex hormones, and also increases sperm count and concentration.

11. It helps in treating diabetes: The beneficial antioxidants found in black pepper may help stabilize blood sugar levels, and since they regulate high blood sugar, which helps in treating diabetes.

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