Discover the Five Key Blood Values for Longevity and Aging

2023-07-03 09:39:33


What age would you reach in this life? A difficult question to answer. But there are tests for blood values ​​that give you indications regarding your health and the possibility of living longer!

Many people want to stay healthy as long as possible and grow old without disease. There are various factors that help in this, such as the right diet, for example. But there are other methods that reveal whether you are aging quickly or slowly.

Five blood values ​​indicate longevity

Wrinkles or dry skin alone are not enough signs of aging. There are also some vital signs in the blood that reveal a lot regarding our health and availability Indications of how long we might live. Blood tests provide data on the balance of our hormones, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, through blood tests, we can know if our body is producing enough white and red blood cells.

Blood values ​​can also be used to detect infections in the body, which are often the cause of diseases such as diabetes and cancer. According to the site German.

An important indicator of heart attacks and strokes

Heart attacks and strokes are among the most common causes of death in Germany. So early detection is very important for a longer life. Here, lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) plays an important role.

If the values ​​are high, there is usually high inflammatory activity in the vascular wall. It is an indication of an increased risk of infectionof heart attacks and stroke. Heart attacks can be identified, for example, by pain or burning in the chest area.

risk of cardiovascular disease

The sulfur-containing amino acid is also an important blood value with regard to longevity. If there is too much homocysteine ​​in the blood, this poses a risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or stroke.

Aging, smoking, diseases, or deficiencies of vitamins B6, B12, and B9 can increase the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, depending on

Documentary | 12.07.2022

vitamin Dal important for longevity

Vitamin D plays an important role in the human body and is involved in many metabolic processes. It not only strengthens the bones, but also boosts the immune system and has a positive effect on the psychological state. It is also important to deal with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. It is rumored that vitamin D deficiency is directly related to the risk of death.

High CRP indication of various diseases

CRP (C-reactive protein) plays an important role in healthy aging and a long life. C-reactive protein is produced in the liver and is part of the body’s immune system. Its main function is to remove foreign substances and dead immune defense cells from inflamed tissues. And if its level is high, then there may be inflammation in the body.

Bladder, pancreas, pneumonia, or appendicitis can be possible causes. Diseases such as Crohn’s syndrome or rheumatism can also lead to an increased level of C-reactive protein. The value of this protein can also be elevated following surgery in the case of certain tumors or in the event of an acute heart attack. According to the site

Uric acid indicators of diseases of aging

The value of uric acid can indicate age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s as well as infections, liver disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Uric acid is normally excreted in the urine or stool. If the concentration increases uric acid in the bloodThis indicates that the blood can no longer dissolve uric acid. This leads to the formation of uric acid crystals that can be deposited in the joints and kidneys.

H.D / A.H

The ten secrets to delay aging

When was the last time you danced even inside your house? If this was more than a week ago, you should repeat the matter quickly. Dancing, according to what experts said to the German “Govemin” website, improves mood and helps to relax.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Laughter, enjoyment, and forgetting worries..This is the result of meeting close friends, all of which improve the psychological state and, of course, are reflected in health.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Experts advise bringing the bedtime forward by 30 minutes every day, as lack of sleep means accelerating the effects of impotence and aging.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Eating milk (yogurt) daily reduces the risk of diabetes, and fresh fruits can be chopped on yogurt for those who do not like its taste, or mixed with honey.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Ignore the elevator at the entrance to your home or workplace, and take the stairs. Every additional movement benefits the body and keeps obesity away from you.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Watch your breathing and if you find it fast and shallow, know that this contributes to an increase in stress. So you need to change it immediately. The best way is to breathe slowly and deeply, as this helps to relax.

The ten secrets to delay aging

The weather is bad and the work day is tiring? Try, however, to laugh, as some say that “every minute of laughter extends a person’s life by an hour.”

The ten secrets to delay aging

Drinking coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease, but limit it to four cups a day.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Small quarrels from time to time are good for health, as they help to get rid of the things that bother you, so talk frankly regarding what bothers you, even if the dialogue becomes intense and approaches the brink of a quarrel.

The ten secrets to delay aging

Limit TV time and computer use an hour a day. And during this hour, walk in the open air, as this helps in burning calories and clearing the mind. Writer: Ibtisam Fawzy

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