Discover the Atmospheric Horror Adventure of Little Goody Two Shoes: Dive into the Haunting Narrative and Puzzles of AstralShift’s Latest Release

2023-10-31 15:23:03
Today is the release date for Little Goody Two Shoes, the brainchild of Portuguese studio AstralShift, born following the success of their first title, Pocket Mirror. This horror adventure RPG (with dating elements) tells the story of Elise, a character from their previous game, as she navigates a haunting narrative filled with puzzles and resource management. Little Goody Two Shoes is inspired by folklore, and the team says they aim to deliver something somewhere between horror and old fairy tales in what they call an atmospheric experience. It’s set in the town of Kieferberg, and players are tasked with accompanying Elise on her quest to fulfill her desire for a life of luxury worthy of a princess. As you’d expect, with enemies, shady villagers, and romantic interests along the way, it’s no easy feat – AstralShiftPro says your choices and actions matter. Featuring an early ’90s-style anime art style and a mix of gameplay mechanics to keep things fresh, the game is available now for PC, Playstation, Switch, and Xbox. Check out the game’s launch trailer below, it looks pretty interesting. HQ
#Goody #Shoes #charming #launch #trailer

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