discover a Miss’s express routine to boost your energy all day long

2024-01-20 12:45:17

A Morning Pilates routine in eight minutes topswhat do you think?

To wake up the body and mind, discover this express circuit recommended by Laury Thilleman and attack your day in great shape!

Exercice Pilates n° 1 : side stretch

  1. Standing, raise your arms to the ceiling. Inhale. Stretch your arms even higher, as if you want to touch the sky before dive on your side straight by lifting your ribs towards the ceiling. Imagine them opening like an accordion.
  2. Return to center.
  3. Proceed in the same way, changing sides.

Repeat three times on each side.

Exercice Pilates n° 2 : neck roll

  1. Still standing, inhale then draw a circle backwards with your head.
  2. Exhale. Bring your head forward.

Repeat three times.

Exercice Pilates n° 3 : shoulders roll

  1. Standing, lift your shoulders, then bring them back three times in a row. Focus on the feeling of the shoulder blades massaging the rib cage.
  2. Do the same, this time bringing your shoulders forward.

Repeat this series of movements three times.

Pilates Exercise #4: Arm Circles

  1. Standing, extend your arms to each side while inhaling. Your shoulders remain in a low position.
  2. Draw small circles with your arms. Gradually bring them back towards your thighs while continuing to rotate them. As you descend, exhale all the air from your ribcage.

Repeat three times.

Exercice Pilates n° 5 : roll down

  1. Stand up, inhale and bring your arms above your head.
  2. Exhale. Curl forward as if you were passing over a big balloon. Your navel is sucked in.
  3. Release your head by shaking it gently as if to say no.
  4. Inhale. The knees are slightly bent.
  5. Slowly come back up as you exhale. Feel the vertebrae unfold one after the other.

Repeat three times.

Exercice Pilates n° 6 : body tapping

Body tapping is a technique directly inspired by Qi Gong. Its benefits are numerous: opening of energy circuits throughout the body, stimulation of organs, improvement of blood circulation and boost. Perfect for getting off to a good start to the day!

  1. Tap your body vigorously whole with the hands starting at the feet, before moving up the front of the body to the head. Be careful not to hit the top of the head too hard. Little taps are enough. Then go back down through the back: shoulders, back, buttocks, backs of the thighs, etc.
  2. Once the body wakes up, “wipe” your arms and legs as if to remove drops of water after a shower.

Repeat three times.

Pilates exercise #7: breathing

Standing,inhale for 5 counts, then exhale for the same number of counts. The exhalation can be extended up to 8 or even 10 counts depending on your sensations. Repeat three times.

Pilates exercise no. 8: cow cat

  1. On all fours, inhale, arch your lower back. To do this, lift your chest forward and raise your tailbone towards the ceiling.
  2. Feel your spine stretch in both directions.
  3. Exhale. Hollow out your stomach to round your spine. In the same movement, drop your head forward.
  4. Perform a “scoop”: suck in the navel to bring it closer to the spine, then lift it upwards, as if to bring it towards the ribs.
  5. Push the ground back with your shins and palms for total engagement.

Repeat five times.

Pilates exercise #9: plank

On your elbows, place yourselfplank position, back straight, hands clasped. “Scoop.” Hold the position for as long as possible. Repeat three times trying to extend the time a little each time. You can also perform this exercise while resting on your hands.

Exercice Pilates n° 10 : single leg stretch

  1. Lie on the floor, on your back. Bend your right leg and bring it to your chest. Your right hand holds your leg at the ankle, while your left hand rests on the knee to maintain alignment with the hip. Your left leg is extended approximately 45° above the groundyour gaze is straight ahead, your elbows are apart.
  2. Hold the position. Your outstretched leg should be fully extended, as if you were trying to push away an imaginary wall.
  3. Inhale. Change legs.

Repeat five times on each side.

Exercice Pilates n° 11 : double leg stretch

  1. Still lying on your back, inhale andstretch your arms above your head by lifting the top of the bust.
  2. In the same movement, while exhaling,lift your legs, toes stretched out, as if to bring the feet towards the head. Tighten your inner thighs. If your neck is painful, rest your head on the floor.

Repeat five times.

Pilates exercise n° 12: scissors

  1. Get into the starting position, lying on the floor, legs extended toward the ceiling, head and shoulders raised.
  2. Grab your right ankle with both hands. Lower your left leg to the floor on exhalation. Your stomach hollows, your pelvis sinks into the ground.
  3. Inhale. Pull your right leg twice to bring it toward you.
  4. Exhale. Repeat the movement with the other leg.

Repeat five times on each side.

Exercice Pilates n° 13 : double leg lower lifts

  1. Lying on the floor, place your hands behind your head and your legs square.
  2. Inhale. Lower your legs. Keep them tight. The lower back should not hollow, the navel is sucked in, the anchoring of the buttocks to the ground is solid. To help you, imagine that your legs are held by springs attached to the wall, behind your head.
  3. Exhale. Raise your legs vertically, hollowing out the inside of the stomach.

Repeat five times. If the exercise is too difficult, start with your head on the floor and your hands under your buttocks.

Exercice Pilates n° 14 : criss cross

  1. With your hands still behind your head, spread your elbows, raise your head and shoulder blades. Bend your right knee to your chest and straighten your left leg, raised 45° from the ground.
  2. Inhale. Keep your elbows apart to cometouch your bent knee with the opposite elbow. The basin is anchored in the ground. The movement takes place around the central axis of the spine.
  3. Exhale. Switch sides.

Repeat five times.

Exercice Pilates n° 15 : swan

  1. Lie on your stomach, forehead on the floor, arms bent on either side of your body so that your hands are at ear level. Lower your shoulders. Spread your legs very slightly and stretch them. The pelvis is firmly anchored in the ground, the abdominals are engaged.
  2. Inhale. Stretch your neck and lift your chest. Push the ground away with your hands. If you can, straighten your arms completely. The belly is hollow, the spine is long.
  3. Exhale. Bend your arms to come down. Try to place your sternum as far forward from the mat as possible.

Repeat three times.

Exercice Pilates n° 16 : child’s pose

  1. On your knees, rest your buttocks on your heels.
  2. come quietly place your forehead against the ground. If you lack flexibility, raise your mat slightly.
  3. Bring your arms to either side of your body. Stretch them forward. The shoulder blades are pulled down, the hands firmly anchored in the ground, the head and pelvis relaxed.
  4. Close your eyes and breathe calmly for three minutes.
sport-cat-date-updated">Updated by Manon on:20/01/2024

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#discover #Misss #express #routine #boost #energy #day #long

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