Discotheques, standing consumption in bars, food in transport: what will change on February 16

The French will be able to resume their outings. From this Wednesday, new reductions in health restrictions are planned, affecting in particular consumption in bars, cultural places, as well as nightlife. Le Parisien summarizes them for you.

Reopening of nightclubs

Professionals in the sector were impatiently awaiting this date: from this Tuesday, nightclubs will be able to reopen their doors and welcome the public without restriction other than the vaccination pass at the entrance. Nightclubs were closed on December 10, at the dawn of a new epidemic wave.

Consumption standing up in bars

The party will resume a little more in the bars as well, as well as the counters of the cafes. From this Wednesday, standing consumption will again be authorized. Since January 3, consumption in bars has been exclusively seated.

Back to standing concerts

Concert halls will again be able to welcome standing audiences from Wednesday, after a ban set for January 3, the date on which gauges had also been put in place for large gatherings.

Food and drink back in stadiums, cinemas and public transport

Wednesday will also mark the return of the sandwich break in the TGV or popcorn in dark rooms. The consumption of food and drink will be allowed in stadiums, cinemas, as well as transport, after being banned on January 3.

After this stage of February 16, will come that of February 21 to March 7, where sanitary measures at school will be gradually lightened according to the start of the school year in the different areas. In the process, company drinks could also resume, according to a new version of the occupational health protocol, the publication of which is expected on Friday.

From February 28, wearing a mask will no longer be compulsory in closed places subject to the vaccination pass, such as bars, restaurants, museums or even cinemas. However, it will remain mandatory in transport.

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